Phallosan edema question

Recently got the Phallosan Forte and am refining my routine. Typically I can wear it at least 8 hours/day though I have to take it off often to pee (old men pee often!). I take the opportunity to switch sides of the waist strap. My glans is pretty big, I’ve got kind of a mushroom cock, so I need to use the large bell and medium condom. Even the large bell is just borderline and my glans easily fills it completely. Initially I used the head cap but soon stopped just cause it’s inconvenient. However, now I often get foreskin edema on the underside of the glans after several hours. The edema isn’t too bad but it can be enough to make it difficult or impossible to get back into the bell. Can anybody comment? Is the edema harmful? Go back to the head cap? Thanks for your support in this project.