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Pills with money back guarenteed


Pills with money back guarenteed

I have read in these forums that absolutley no pill works. If this is so then why do some companys add a 100 percent money back guarentee. Has anybody tried pills with this and did they work. If not did you get your money back. I have also heard that pills alone do not work, but pills with exercises helps the gains, is this true from anyones experiences?

Yes I tried pills about 2 years ago. It was about the same time I started stretching and jelqing. My friends claim to have no gains what-so-ever(I believe they just took pills and did nothing else). I however experienced some gain but it might be more from the manual exercises(people say pills just help increse blood flow). Yes, I did return and got 100% of my money back excluding S&H.

I have tried pills that do not work. I’ve never tried to get my money back even with the guarantee for the simple fact that I’ve tried to do it with other things. It was a p[ain in the ass for that stuff so I didn’t even bother wasting my time. If you go for it, good luck and hope it works out the way you want it to. I have tried Voplex with exercises like it says to do and nothing. About the only good things to be said about these pills is they might make your hardon a little harder. If you want to go the pill/supplement route, do a search here for vitamins, supplements, enlargement pills. Something along those lines. There was a good thread posted a while back about the effects of various vitamins and supplements but damned if I can remember where it was. I’m thinking Gprent posted it but not 100% sure. I’m sure someone on here knows the one I’m talking about or a similar one and might can give you a link to it. Good luck.


Because they dont GIVE the money back. And if you read the small print, you only get money back if you send back unopened bottles. How can you get a refund if you open the bottle? You have to open it to try it. Its a lose-lose situation.

Pills work with the exercises by increasing blood flow BUT you can get the same effect with cheaper supplements

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Oh yea, the pills I tried were Vigrx. I agree with ndk, it gave me harder hardons and I was horny like all the time haha(same for my friends who tried it with me). Yea, buying raw vitamins seems to be the cheaper and smarter way to go.

SlackJawedYokel which one did you try? Vigrx said to return any left over pills and unopened bottles if there were any. So after my 60days, I just returned whatever leftovers I had if any(example: if I had a 3 month supply, I would return 2 used bottles and unopened one).

Sorry man. i just tried to find that link I was talking about but I guess Gprent didn’t start it. Couldn’t find it using his name. Oh yeah, if you really want to try the pills, got an idea for you. Somewhere on their website it should list the ingredients in them. Find out the mg or whatever unit they use and the ingredients then just go to Wal-Mart or somewhere and see what it would cost you to buy the ingredients separately. I’d almost be willing to bet money that you could get a 2-3 month supply that way for the cost of 1 month or less of what they’re trying to sell you.


Thanks for your posts I like that idea about wal mart ill give it a try

Originally Posted by minime123
SlackJawedYokel which one did you try? Vigrx said to return any left over pills and unopened bottles if there were any. So after my 60days, I just returned whatever leftovers I had if any(example: if I had a 3 month supply, I would return 2 used bottles and unopened one).

VigRX. I didnt ASK for a refund, as I had to USE the damn things to see if theyd work.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

The pills I tried didn’t work. Also if you looked at this pills refund thing in fine print, you had to go to a doctor first, and have him measure it. So in other words to get back 60.00 in pill it would cost you a hell of alot more money in doctor visits. The only improvement I did notice, I did look plumper when I was soft, but when I was hard, everything was the same.

I used DSO and gained 4 inches in less than one week!

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Whats DSO and where do you get it from?I no it’s impossible o get gains of 4 inches in less thabn one week, but seeing as your a forum donator I don’t think you would lie, so now I am stuck in a spiralling conversation with myself of “is he lying, or is he telling the truth”

Originally Posted by Scratchy

Whats DSO and where do you get it from?I no it’s impossible o get gains of 4 inches in less thabn one week, but seeing as your a forum donator I don’t think you would lie, so now I am stuck in a spiralling conversation with myself of “is he lying, or is he telling the truth”

You missed the option that maybe he’s pulling your leg. DSO = Dino’s Snake Oil, a running joke here.

I don't think so

I think you are lying about gaining 4 inches, because if you did you would have been told everyone about it and someone else would have tried it

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