Thunder's Place

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Possible erection issues from PE?

Possible erection issues from PE?

Hey all. I tried PE a few years ago (three to be exact, I think). I was jelqing. I can’t quite remember if I was erect or half-erect as it has been a while, but I think I felt some sort of pain and so stopped. I gave myself a rest and saw that I developed a tiny brownish-black birthmark and nothing else. I did not immediately notice any erection problems, and fast-forward a few months I landed myself a girlfriend.

I was pretty high-libido as I was an 18-year-old still going through the growing phase. I would masturbate constantly, and I was also hyper-focused on school at the same time. Over time, I noticed that I was starting to lose attraction to the person I was with through no real fault of their own along with a general loss of libido yet I still continued to masturbate. Thoughts of the future started to replace thoughts of the present and with the problems I was dealing with at the time, I just seemed less and less horny.

Now fast-forward two years, I can’t seem to get it up on my own. My morning erections continued to decrease. I stayed away from jelqing and switched to manual stretches. I’m not with the same person anymore and instead with someone else. I realize that in the beginning I was hyper-aroused with this woman and things started to become semi-normal although I couldn’t get fully hard through manual stimulation or porn.

Still, I continued stretching. I’ll admit that it sometimes is difficult to keep my grip an inch or so below the glands and I feel like I’ve developed a sort of indent in my penis as a result. Now, I’ve actually achieved some modest gains from these exercises, so this isn’t a post bashing PE. However, I’m wondering if my previous jelqing injury from years ago is causing me problems now. I bought ED medication and can get fully erect while with this woman (I never chanced it without ED medication just in case). I just notice when off the medication that I feel my glans are sort of cold and that the muscles around my pubic bone feel sort of unconsciously contracted.

As a background, I suffer from severe anxiety, depression, and stress. My total testosterone is well above the 600 mark, so not even close to the low normal range. And my free testosterone is fine too. I started working out a few months ago and enjoy it. I didn’t want to dismiss this ED as just a psychological thing because venous leakage or arterial blockage is on my mind. I know when I clench my pelvic floor that I can feel my penis warm and when unclenching that there is some sort of rush of heat. I don’t

This made me wonder if this pointed toward venous leakage. Now, before coming to the forum, I did go to a urologist, and after doing this long questionnaire he determined to put me on daily dose of Cialis but refused to do Doppler since he determined it all to be in my head. I tried explaining that all my symptoms seem to match up with it being a physical cause, but he still maintained his stance and didn’t want to do a scan. The daily dose of Cialis has brought random erections back and increased the blood flow to my penis, yet it only served to make me feel there was some sort of physical problem with me as a result.

A few last things to add before ending this post as I know it’s getting long-winded. I find that I can cum very quickly by myself, but whenever I’m with a woman it takes me like an hour or more (she gets worn out although feels completely satisfied at the end of it, but it becomes a problem when she feels as if she is not enough for me due to lack of orgasm on my end ). I don’t feel pleasure from blowjobs, penetration, or anything like that, having to fake feeling good. I feel anorgasmic, and my lack of pleasure in sex and general disinterest continue to persist. In fact, I find too many things boring and nothing interesting yet my mind still latches on whether or not my penis is suffering from physical complications.

So, what do you guys think? Is it some sort of physical injury from jelqing all those years ago and maybe doing manual stretches improperly (like a venous leak or something?) or is it purely psychological?

The general lack of interest in anything is a key indication your primary issue is mental. You likely have some other practices which are not helpful like constant masturbation. Do you watch porn? If so, how much? Masturbating with a death grip can desensitize your penis and could be related to the quick orgasm from masturbation and long orgasm from sex.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Hi Markuson

I will write in Portuguese hope the translator works well. I’m sorry to tell you this but your problem is probably pornography and excessive masturbation. I’m going through something like that. Pornography destroys our reward center in the brain and leaves the person addicted to an unattainable level of dopamine, so they no longer enjoy being in bed with a real woman. Like a drug. It makes a person depressed and anxious.

It’s not about PE. I’ve been doing PE for a few years and it didn’t interfere with my pleasure before. I’m fighting to stop and I advise you to do the same for the sake of your health.

I’m going to leave a link to a page that explains how this pornography process works. And this has been proven by science.

Hope you be fine and leave this harmful vicious.

Best wishes

Link Do Article

Originally Posted by DanZep
Hi Markuson
I will write in Portuguese hope the translator works well. I’m sorry to tell you this but your problem is probably pornography and excessive masturbation. I’m going through something like that. Pornography destroys our reward center in the brain and leaves the person addicted to an unattainable level of dopamine, so they no longer enjoy being in bed with a real woman. Like a drug. It makes a person depressed and anxious.
It’s not about PE. I’ve been doing PE for a few years and it didn’t interfere with my pleasure before. I’m fighting to stop and I advise you to do the same for the sake of your health.
I’m going to leave a link to a page that explains how this pornography process works. And this has been proven by science.
Hope you be fine and leave this harmful vicious.
Best wishes

Here the link of the article:

Como a Pornografia Afeta o Cérebro - Saber Coletivo

Originally Posted by 32quarters
The general lack of interest in anything is a key indication your primary issue is mental. You likely have some other practices which are not helpful like constant masturbation. Do you watch porn? If so, how much? Masturbating with a death grip can desensitize your penis and could be related to the quick orgasm from masturbation and long orgasm from sex.

Well, I’ve been going on a detox of sorts for the past four or five days, avoiding porn completely. Before, I would masturbate 3 times a day or edge if I was bored. Anything really. I never really used a death grip on my penis, just rubbed beneath the glans constantly. I feel like when I touch there that I feel nothing, not even a tingle of a nice feeling so it started to make me think maybe it was something to do with the nerves, or I really just killed that dopamine aspect of my brain. It’s quite incredible how much porn can kill the real thing for you. I guess a big part of it is the anxiety at it being a possible mechanical thing to do with the internal structure of my penis like maybe I stretched it out to such a degree that I just messed everything up.

Originally Posted by DanZep
Hi Markuson
I will write in Portuguese hope the translator works well. I’m sorry to tell you this but your problem is probably pornography and excessive masturbation. I’m going through something like that. Pornography destroys our reward center in the brain and leaves the person addicted to an unattainable level of dopamine, so they no longer enjoy being in bed with a real woman. Like a drug. It makes a person depressed and anxious.
It’s not about PE. I’ve been doing PE for a few years and it didn’t interfere with my pleasure before. I’m fighting to stop and I advise you to do the same for the sake of your health.
I’m going to leave a link to a page that explains how this pornography process works. And this has been proven by science.
Hope you be fine and leave this harmful vicious.
Best wishes

The translator worked perfectly! I truly appreciate your reply. And yes, I agree with all that you’re saying. I used to masturbate not even for pleasure, but just for the basic routine of it. All those fantasies and visuals that would make me aroused stimulate nothing now. I don’t feel interested in pursuing something with a woman either when before I used to feel really excited at the prospect of a physical relationship. I don’t know if maybe my worries about my penis are killing it even more for me. Overall, there just seems to be this sort of depression in my mind to the point where I can’t really feel love or the thought of it disgusts me. I don’t know how much of it is a porn addiction or just me, but yeah. And I’ll read through the article! Thank you for the link.

Porn has been shown to affect performance because it desensitizes you. Somebody may have already mentioned this.

Currently ~6.5" girth x ?

Goal: 9" x 6.5"

I’m going to go with porn paired with masturbation. I always thought I had great EQ. Always. But I’ve been off porn for 8 months now and my erections are so amazingly hard, and I can get hard so insanely fast now the only word I can use to describe it is ‘remarkable’, that I know for a fucking fact that porn desensitized my cock and my LIFE. I mean even my glans is fully hard every time I have an erection now, and I think I “suffered” from “soft glans” for a long, long time. I didn’t use porn much, not even weekly, for years and years but in 2020 man it was rough. I couldn’t get off with my wife very good, and then I couldn’t get hard for her either. But no porn=the best boners ever and she is indulging wholeheartedly ;)

When you watch porn, you ever notice all the ads? The ads literally tell you that you have ED, that you can’t get hard, that you don’t produce any decent amounts of semen, etc.. They show you stuff unlike the movie you are watching. They aren’t just about making you click on them to spend money. They are driving something inherently sick. It should come to no surprise to any of us here that ED and porn use go hand in hand when the porn sites ADVERTISE ERECTION MEDICINES. “Watching porn and can’t get it up? Here, take Cialis or Bluechew and stay addicted to our porn content for the rest of your life!!! Now you’ll never know a boner without us ever again.” Its gross when you think about it. Then the porn makes you lonely and unable to conceive of love, so there’s an ad for that too: camrooms!! Find your perfect partner on the other side of the screen, where your hard earned money plays ‘relationship pretend’ with the girl of your fantasies. Just as you hit bottom jerking off to free content, you can turn to the camgirl for companionship where you spending money is linked to the absolution of your forced loneliness. Its all part of the plan to hook you on the websites and buy pharmaceuticals. At least that’s how I’m seeing all of this lately and how I think its all linked together. How often have we seen “porn use” linked to anything related to descriptions and causes of ED, in a clinical context? I’ll bet y’all are saying “I haven’t” because I haven’t and I’ve looked for it.

Good luck to you OP! Porn can do what you are describing. It sounds like you are desensitized to the max. I too was at a point where my cock felt like a wet noodle in my hand, no sensation at all, and I couldn’t get hard at all if porn wasn’t on. I don’t believe you have a physical problem with your cock. You cite too many mentally-related things. It sounds like you are in desperation. Not over this, but just in general. You are fine! Change your habits, that’s first and foremost what you should do. Porn use, masturbation habits, all of it. Take a long needed break from your body. You’ve overused your cock and your brain has fed it the wrong kinds of stimulus for too long. Reset and re-energize your sex drive! You can do this.

Starting length, Spring 2003: bpel 6 3/8", bpfsl ~6 1/2", flaccid ~3-4" (never measured flaccid stretched or hanging flaccid; starting girth was probably ~5"-5 1/4")

Summer 2004: bpel 7 7/8", bpfsl 8 1/8", flaccid ~4", erect girth 5.3"

Spring 2018: bpel 7 1/4", bpfsl 7 5/8", erect girth 5 1/8"; Spring 2020: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth 5 3/8". Current - August 2023: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth mid shaft 5 1/4" (5 1/2" at base)

Originally Posted by Markuson
he still maintained his stance and didn’t want to do a scan.

He’s not working for you. He’s either working for your health insurance company, or if you’re paying out of your own pocket, he’s working to the guidelines of his partnership/clinic/employers.

Unfortunately, that’s a common thing nowadays. Try another urologist; an independent if you can find one.

Sometimes you can get your “primary care physician” to schedule a test with a specialist. Some of the specialists - like urologists - view that as stepping on their turf; others will do it without a problem.

Depression and stress are some of the biggest libido killers. If it were a physical injury you would have known about it way back when it happened. It’s definitely psychological.

Hey homey, this sucks, but I can assure you, many men have been there, probably way more that are willing to admit, and the surprising fact is, these are perfectly healthy men.

Just like the posters before have said; quit using porn, up your time in the gym, do cardio a few times a week, make sure your body fat percentage is under 15%, eat healthy, quit drinking, quit smoking, no drugs, you know the basics to health and fitness first.

A couple of things here that need discussed and are taboo, but you need to be realistic and honest with yourself.

1) Your GF/partner - does this person really turn you on? Do they really fully sexually turn you on? Because you’re not supposed to get raging boner‘s for every single woman you see. You will meet a lot of women, that frankly, don’t give you an erection. And you will end up with girlfriends that don’t turn you on sexually at a deep level. You really have to ask yourself if it’s your girlfriend. She could be a gorgeous girl, and have everything right on paper, but if she doesn’t get you hard, you can’t deny that fact for yourself. And if you decide it is, you need to get that person out of your life as quick as possible. Only be a long-term relationship with someone that undeniably makes you hard. You will notice the first time you meet them. You may be too young to have experienced this yet, but the older you get, you will notice this is a real fact of life. Don’t waste your life on someone that doesn’t give you hard erections.

2. SSRIs - it’s my belief that SSRIs and any drug meant to treat depression or anxiety, will most likely destroy your libido, I.e. Your ability to get an erection. That’s been my personal experience. I avoid these drugs and will go through any range of emotions just to not lose my sex life. I went on these drugs in my mid-20s after a break up, and I swore I’d never do it again because it destroyed my ability to have sex for about a year. If you absolutely need to use these drugs in order to function in life, which some of us certainly do, then you have to address the sexual libido issue with your doctor to figure out your correct balance of medication, to fix this problem.

Once you figure it out, and you take care of yourself, you will know how your body reacts to things. And you’ll be more honest with what works and what doesn’t work for you to be healthy. Being healthy means you’re healthy sexually as well.

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