Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Powerjelq routine

Powerjelq routine

I’m doing now newbieroutine when this end.I thinking to start somekind powerjelg routine.please tell me good powerjelqroutine?thank you

Ah, welcome to Thunder’s pakkotoisto.
Feel free to read all that weird and kinky stuff in here :D geez, what a teaser I am today.

Seriously, you don’t need to open several threads for the same topic over and over. Just wait untill someone gets in after some time and replies. Usually people in here are very glad to help each other out.

So just be patient.

To answer your question: You should not do any powerjelqs right now. powerjelqing is a very advanced exercise and is highly probable to damage your dick when it’s not used to PE in the beginning. Just stick with the newbie routine (which you’ve already found appearantly) for some months and see what you can do afterwards.

Again a happy welcome to Thunder’s and the best wishes for your efforts :)

So long,


Et... la nuit se continue. C\'est vrai. Elle est complètement dechirée - ma tête.

Sorry this several thread thing :( .. I have done this newbieroutine a 2weeks and I gona do it 6weeks then change do anybody now good routines/”powerjelq” routines?

Regular jelqing is with hands and “powerjelqs” are with a device? Or no? What is the difference?

When you powerjelq you use device

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