Thunder's Place

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Problems with PE

Problems with PE

I’ll get straight to it. I had been PE’ing for little over two months before I joined the forum. All was going well, and I didn’t have many problems. Recently though, I got the big bad negative PI, loss of gain. I decided it was best to take a decon break for a week or two, and try again at a lower intensity. I started back up 5 days ago with a routine of:
(All in shower)
Warm up the groin a bit
Stretch for 7-10 minutes (up, down, left, right all x2, then a few V/A stretches)
60, 50-70% erection jelqs (slow, 2-4 seconds, etc)
Quick stretches up, down, left, right
Finish up in shower

The first two sessions went fine. On my first rest day I noticed I had a better erection quality, and gained a little bit of my previous length back. I did two more sessions, same as the first two, but today I’ve noticed that; my erection quality has dropped back a bit again, I’ve lost some more BPEL, and I’ve even lost length in flaccid stretches.

I’m going to take another week off, but if anyone knows what’s happening, I’d sure like to hear it. Thanks.

You’re measuring too often.

Hello Splunge,

How many times per week do you P.E?
Do you take breaks, say 2 days on and 1 off?
Do you do anything else besides your shower routine for P.E?

You might consider, taking more breaks or else reduce your P.E frequency until your penis gets accustomed to your exercises.

One very important thing, it is better to have a fully functional penis than have a big one that is not working when you want.
So listen to your penis if it tells you I need more rest chief because I get really tired from all that pulling, take it.

And don’t get obsessed with the ruler. Measure in 2 months.

I have decided whatever I do I will move forward in life

Haha, chill out, dude, don’t forget you’re a human being, not a machine. :)

You’re definitely measuring/worrying too much about it.
Obviously there are days in which you’re aroused like hell and days that you aren’t but this doesn’t means you have a problem or overtraining. ;)

First off, I don’t measure much. How I notice it is the good ol’ morning wood, and I flop it up onto my lower stomach, since that’s the most comfortable position for me. And I noticed that it didn’t reach as far as it usually does. So I jerked it up to a full erection, and took a quick measure and measured a loss of 1/4”(So note that I didn’t use a ruler, I just noticed that it was smaller. Johnson and I have a pretty intimate relationship). The first loss I know is because I went too intense, too fast, which is why I toned down my routine. But the second loss I don’t really know.

As for pa(n)dawan’s questions;

4 times a week.
Yes, I do. I also take an extra break for the weekend. So I’m Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri. Resting on Wed, Sat, Sun.
And yes, I do kegels and reverse kegels. I also do some edging (I think that’s what it is), but I’ve been doing that ever since I can remember touching myself, since it makes the pleasure last longer.

Finally, I know to listen to the Little One, and make sure he’s all right, but I was just wondering for what the loss of gains was from. I was doing well for two months, then I bumped up my routine, and maybe I damaged him, and he hasn’t fully recovered? So I’m taking another week off before I try again.

Originally Posted by Splunge
…So I jerked it up to a full erection, and took a quick measure and measured a loss of 1/4”(So note that I didn’t use a ruler, I just noticed that it was smaller…

Dude you sure have a queer eye.

Originally Posted by Splunge
As for pa(n)dawan’s questions;

I beg your pardon.

Originally Posted by Splunge
…Finally, I know to listen to the Little One, and make sure he’s all right, but I was just wondering for what the loss of gains was from…

I guess I’ll just say splunge. ;)

Originally Posted by Splunge
…I was doing well for two months, then I bumped up my routine, and maybe I damaged him, and he hasn’t fully recovered? So I’m taking another week off before I try again.

Take a whole year off, then try again maybe “good ol’ morning wood” will reach your navel by then.

I have decided whatever I do I will move forward in life

Oh yeah, your lost in size is due to the lost of E.Q. So you might start adding some Kegels (if you are not doing them already) and start taking some supplements that will help with blood circulation.(Ginseng, Ginkgo, Ginger, Guarana…).

Take care Splunge. ;)

I have decided whatever I do I will move forward in life

Try about 10-30 dry jelqs when you wake up.

Hope it helps :)

Penis fluctuates size from day to day. I would not worry to much. As long as you can get a good rock hard boner your doing fine a little loss of EQ means really nothing. You should be blessed you dropped a 1/4 of an inch. It will come back. Kegels help with consistency issues as long as you take breaks with kegels as well. Do them on the same day you do your other PE.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I would just say it is tired and need a rest and light exercise to start it off again. Maybe try 2-4 days on light exercises and then take it from there ?

Past: 5-5.5" BPEL x 4.5" GIRTH

Present: 7.55" BPEL x 5.55" GIRTH (1 year progress)

Future: 8-9" BPEL x 6" GIRTH

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