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Question about forced break

Question about forced break

Hello. I have a situation coming up in a few weeks where I won’t be able to do my PE routine as I have been doing for the past 3 months. It will be the end of the newbie routine for me, so I haven’t been doing any advanced workouts. However I really feel like I’m just getting the hang of the exercises and starting to see results.

My question is, will a 7 day break put me back to square one?

I’ll be able to do stretching sessions through out the day, but I doubt I’ll see much jelqing.
Is there anything I should do to stay on the right track?

There’s been a lot of guys on hear that took brakes and seen growth,so you may just get better results.I don’t thank you have to worry about loosing any gaines.

5/27/09 start>>> BP Length 5.5 NBP 5 Girth 5.5

7/16/09>>> BP Length 6 NBP 5.5 Girth 5.5.

Thank you PE and Thunders.

A break can be a good thing. I’ve taken months off and lost some (but not even half), but got it back and more within just a week or two. Many here say that a once a week session is plenty to keep gains during breaks and after reaching goals. More than a few have actually reported gains from taking a week or more off.

Good luck.

I agree that you might see some gains soon after the break (once you are back on your routine). I am fairly sure this happened to me earlier this year. Consistency may be key to growth, but shaking up the routine can help occasionally.

My journey .... My pics

Start BPEL 6.50" x MSEG 5.00"

Now BPEL 7.625" x MSEG 5.25"

Probably you will lose a little. But since it’s only seven days you are ‘off’ you will probably get them back fairly quickly- a week or two at most.

And as the other guys say It may even help your gains.

Good luck.


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