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Question about morning wood and night wood

Question about morning wood and night wood

I usually don’t see morning/night wood on me but I have no problem having an erection when I wishes .

I have been doing jelging and kegelling for 2 months . I get a better erection from those exercises but still as before I don’t see the morning/night wood usually.

Just want to know whether this is normal or it happened to some other guys too. Any advice?
Thanks you.

I don’t think I’ve ever had morning/night wood, either.

Never get night wood, but I often wake up with a morning woody and it’s really annoying when I’m trying to get some sleep, so I have to sleep on my side and think about poop until it goes away.

Think about poop and it goes away!!

Come to think of it, I think that I have had some boners in the middle of the night that woke me up.

Nocturnal woodies are a normal function of REM sleep.
You’re suppose to be having them.

That said, other factors can play a part in NOT getting a night sleep woody.
Such as ED, medications, mood disturbances, exhaustion, cardio vascular health, etc.
This topic has been widely discussed in related health & medical circles.
(and around here)

The return of good morning wood was one of the first benifits I experienced as a result of PE.
I hadn’t had GMW in over ten years, probably closer to 15. Now I get it almost every morning.
After all the PE’ing, the morning wood freaks me out sometimes. But it’s a good thing.

I think the lack of MW had to do with my smoking, stress level, and my shitty sleep habits.
AND my massive coffee consumption. (this was probably #1)
So in that respect the lack of MW could be considered an indication of other issues.

I was gonna say, RootCap's hot. - kitten

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