Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Question about routine


Yep just saw my first gains!! :) Lol. Gained almost an 1/8 inch in length last month which makes me pretty happy but I did the math and that means if I keep gaining at this rate it will take me 1 year and 8 months to reach my goal (given I don’t stop gaining.. Knock on wood lol). So I am all about efficiency and especially with PE I want to know is there anything I could be doing to speed up my length gains, I want to experiment with other exercises but don’t want to mess up a winning formula.. Any suggestions?

My routine is:
5 min rice sock
5 min manual stretch straight down
2 min rice sock
7 min manual stretch straight out ( kind of hook my fist on the sink lip and lean back for a better stretch)
2 min icepack cool down while extended

Anyone have this dilemma and decide to stick with their routine? Anyone decide to switch it up.. ?

Current Stats: bpel 7-9/16 eg 5.4

Short term Goal: bpel 7.75 eg 5.6

Long term Goal: nbpel 9 eg 6.2

>> Anyone have this dilemma and decide to stick with their routine? Anyone decide to switch it up.. ?

Yes. Generally stopping gains.


I think it would be a good idea for you to include at least a small number of wet jelqs into your routine. When I did PE in the past, my routine primarily consisted of dry jelqing and later wet jelqing and manual stretching and I made some good length gains. Manual stretching by itself is a very good exercise, however in my opinion combining manual stretching with wet jelqs can produce sinergic results.

From what I`ve read on this forum it would appear that jelqing at lower erection levels and taking longer strokes (5 seconds), then adding a tug upon reaching the glans is advisable for those who want their jelqing to be more length orientated.


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