Question about stretching technique
I have a question about the stretching technique..
From what I have read so far I understood stretching is for the ligs but
On the other hand the tissues of which the penis shaft are made of are also
Stretchable (suppose to expand and contain more blood).
So, when I stretch, what’s my aim - the ligs ? The tissues (shaft) ? Or both ?
I wanted to know this in order to know where is the ideal grip point when stretching
In the means of comfort and effectiveness ?
The classic grip just behind the glans makes the penis longer after the session but isn’t
Very comfortable, and a grip closer to base is much more comfortable but doesn’t
Make the penis longer after the session, the only question is whether the grip closer to base is less effective.. ?
I hope I didn’t write to messy..
Be happy if someone could clarify the issue a bit ..