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Question on missing days

Question on missing days

Hey guys I have been doing the newbie routine for like three weeks not missing my routines ,I’m doing the two days on one day off and working up in minutes of stretches and jelqs I took off like a whole week because I dint have time so do I have to start over or can I pick up where I left off ? And am I going to loose the progress I have made by lay offs like this.

First off Rolmack, learn to use the spell checker and punctuation please. Not being a smart ass but that was incredibly hard to read and English is my first language (my apologies if it is not yours). We have many who do not speak English as a first language, and I can’t imagine them reading that.

Second, I think you will be fine to pick up where you left off after only a week. However, I would not make it a habit of taking a week break every three weeks. That may make things hard on you (excuse the pun).


Originally Posted by RoomToGrow
First off Rolmack, learn to use the spell checker and punctuation please. Not being a smart ass but that was incredibly hard to read and English is my first language (my apologies if it is not yours). We have many who do not speak English as a first language, and I can’t imagine them reading that.

Second, I think you will be fine to pick up where you left off after only a week. However, I would not make it a habit of taking a week break every three weeks. That may make things hard on you (excuse the pun).


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