Originally Posted by BigBicepMan
Between each excersize do I rest any minutes or something? Like do I go straight from stretch to jelq or do I rest in between?
I am a big believer in warm-ups and warm-downs, so I changed my original Newbie Routine a bit to the following:
2 Days on/ 1 Day off
10 min. WARM-UP with a Luka’s Warm-Up Bottle
a) check out “Luka’s Warm-UP Bottle” thread.
b) Warm-up Rice Sox (fill a cotton sox with about 1/2 full with raw rice, not Uncle Ben’s) and then tie a knot in the end. Don’t fill the sox too much, you want it to be malleable so you can wrap it around your cock. Place the sox in the microwave…flatten the sox out… and warm for about 60 sec. Watch that it doesn’t catch fire.
b) or what I have just started using. I bought a Playtex Insulated Baby Bottle which I just took the no-spill drinking top off. Fill it with warm water, put your cock inside, then bend over and place it against you pubs where it will cause a suction. Let it stay in the warm water for about 10 minutes.
5 minutes STRETCHES. See the Video. After a week or so you can up this to 10 minutes.
5 minutes WARM-UP with Rice Sox.
10 minutes JELQS. Again, you can up this after a week or so.
10 minutes WARM-UP with the Rice Sox. Wrap the sox around your cock and then after a few minutes warming, massage it through the rice. I understand this will help in the internal healing.
Plus the kegels, etc.
As you can see, my warming sessions take the place of a “rest” between routines. It also give me a rest too. the extra warming sessions add a bit of time to the routine, but I think it is worth it.
Note: I added my lapdist Pump just before my Jelqs, followed by a 10 minute warm-up with Rice Sox and then did the Jelqs as above.
I hope this helps.
Started 4/9/07: Bpel 4.438 Eg 3.750 - Fl 3.750 Fg 3.500
Now 07/08/09: Bpel 5.625 Eg 5.875 Fl 4.625 Fg 5.813....Goal: Bpel 7.500 Eg 6.500 - Fl 5.500 Fg 6.000
"PE inorder to give more Happiness & Joy to yourself AND others!" Panos *** "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" Eleanor Roosevelt.