Originally Posted by Don Logan
How often. There is not one answer. Personally, I think that frequent measuring is psychologically debilitating. Since it’s such a slow process, infrequent measuring is fine. For me, once every few months.
I practice a way to turn frequent measuring from debilitating to encouraging. :D
I measure several ways:
In vacuum tube at 6hg
in vacuum tube at 9hg
in bathmate
bpel standing.
strapped in extender. at 900grams
strapped in extender at 1200grams
strapped in extender at 1500grams.
If you space each measurement 10 days, You measure each 10 days, but a different measurement, and only repeat same measurement each 2 months.
So I receive a positive encouragement each day, from otherwise imperceptible progress, that keeps me very very very ver VERY motivated.
Plus i keep a graphic measurement in photoshop, and other graphs that keeps me visualizing the progress :D