Quick Extender Pro Question

Ok so I’m new new just got my Quick extender pro yesterday. I’m having issues. I don’t have a computer so can’t watch the provided DVD for instructions. Been combing the internet and can’t find it in a hard copy. So listed below are my concerns and questions.

The straps should go behind the head gland correct?

I feel like I’m not getting enough pull if I add bars I’m unable to strap my penis behind the gland. I am seeing it stretched but don’t feel anything. Is this normal or should I add more bars and pull my penis to fit?

Is there a way to prevent pinching when strapping in? I have sores from the pinch. Also probably just a beginner issue.

For now I’m only using one strap due to if I use two my gland is right under the strap.

Also the tip of my penis goes numb and cold. Is this normal?

Any help or information is greatly appreciated.

Last edited by Brent66 : 03-04-2023 at . Reason: Missing information