Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Quick Question

Quick Question

Hi I’m new to all this and just starting and had a couple of quick questions. I’ve searched the forum to try and make sure they haven’t already been asked but If they have I am sorry I missed it. First I just turned 18 and I read that a penis can grow until you’re 21. Would I stunt my growth or anything like that by jelqing? Secondly, I started reading about the LOT theory and did the test and it looks like I’m at 6:00. I did it by stretching and kegeling and seeing when the penis moved. Is that the right way? And if so, I saw that it is recommended I stretch the tunica. I haven’t seen any tutorials on how to do this can someone link one please? Again thanks, this site is great I plan to donate and sorry If this question have already been asked

Hmm not sure on the age thing, may wanna wait until a proper vet comes in. Forget about LOT for the time being, and for that matter tunica stretching. All that stuff is for after you do your PE “trainee” stage i.e the newbie routine. You will almost certainly gain in the 3 months, plus you will learn how your dick responds to the different stresses.

FYI though tunica stretches would be stuff like A,V and fulcrum stretches. Way way too advanced at the moment for yourself, I have had several PE injuries from rushing and they are not pleasant lol.

I have a lot of time for Bib as he helped me when I got injured but according to his lot theory I shouldn’t have grown much from Straight down stretching but I did.

Start off with 5-10 minutes of gentle stretching, same jelqing. After a few weeks introduce some mild fowfers in. Gradually ramp it up in accordance with your EQ. I am not an expert but I would say really focus on jelqing, getting the technique spot on, jelqs make a really noticeable difference quickly I found.

Think positive, this stuff does work and read as much as you can here and enjoy! : )

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

Forget about LOT.

As far as the age question, there are plenty of guys who started at 18yo and I’m not aware of specific problems reported by them, but if you feel insecure about PE you can just wait untill you turn 21yo. PE and fear don’t go well hand in hand and your mind could start playing strange tricks.

Bib’s LOT theory was for hangers, men who hang weights from their penises. It attempted to predict which direction of hanging would be more beneficial based on an erroneous assumption about penile anatomy. It was tested extensively and shown not to be predictive of anything. Besides, it was for hangers.

The LOT theory can safely be ignored by all new members. It won’t help you get gains with jelqing or stretching or even with hanging.

Okay thanks all! I’m starting with the newbie routine now I just wanted to make sure that it was the most effective course Of action for me. Great site and great help look forward to sharing my progress one day

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