Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Rapid growth will it continue

Originally Posted by cantlook
I agree tntjockey, as do most people reading the thread I am sure. I also appreciate what you’re trying to do, as should all the newbies reading this (hint: he’s trying to protect you!).

Had bigduke been touting an insanely dangerous routine I would have responded otherwise, but from what I read, his claims are not based on an incredibly intense routine so the risk of someone duplicating it and injuring themselves did not seem to high to me. To me that bases those claims in a measurement error, or an insane boost in EQ or both.

The only things that appear overnight are injuries.

Be safe!

I respect your post cantlook, but I too have read his routine and you are right, it is not an incredibly intense routine,
and all of a sudden, BAM! 1 x .5 gain. I just think and hope this may be a measuring issue, because with these claims
can become a credibility problem for the poster and we don’t want that.

We welcome everybody who have joined this forum with open arms. Being outright honesty with each other in the beginning,helps each other
to be successful of the individual goals that are sought. Just like you cantlook, your brightness and in-site to what you have learned
here have given you the intelligence to be come a good mentor and as a result a dam good Moderator and this is what
we are looking for with our new members. You all have to know PE takes a lot of time and effort, consistency, but at the
same time you have to be realistic and know the difference between a thread that true and pure then one that may be
stretching the truth.

I am not here to scold anyone, but I just want us all to treat each other with respect and not to lead anybody on and not to be dishonest with each other.
I know what PE is all about, I tried it all. I did foreskin restoration before I joined this place in order for quick PE gains, and foreskin
restoration takes a long time and now I read on this thread 1 x .5 gains means skin grew as well as ligs, and when I mention ligs, ligs
had to grow in length as well as girth. Wow! there’s a lot going with that part of the body in a months time.

To all on this forum, be wise to what you read and know the difference of what is right or wrong, or what is truth or not.
I also want the new members to help and protect other members from any harm, because all of these exercises here
are dangerous and you all must know that, so care must be taken to reach the more advanced exercises.

Why do I press on with the honesty here. Thunderss Place is what started it all, this is the place where many members took
this FREE information and created other web sites and made money with this information. This place has a lot of
experienced members that have been the Guinea pigs to a lot of the exercises that were invented and being offered here. So your honesty
can help with the advice that will be given to you in-order for you to achieve your goals and with that, many of you will
become mentors helping other fellow brothers, out to achieve their goals as well, but to be dishonest to another is not going to help anybody.
Everything offered here has been experienced and tested through honesty. Thunders Place was built on honesty.
Who in there right mind would have ever believed that a penis could grow and become healthier through exercise if it
were not for this place What you thread here is your signature, your persona, remember that.

Believe what you will.. My whole life I have met people with limiting belief systems. If I wanted to make outrageous claims I probably would have made them some time ago when I originally joined. Again I’m not sure why I have gained what I have, and my post asks questions so that I may continue to improve myself. I actually felt a bit uncomfortable posting my original post as our penises are a sensitive subject, especially when we talking about size. So if it makes you more comfortable you can pretend I said I got .0001 hundredth of an inch growth and I want to know how to make it permanent and continue my progress. So on that premise is there any advice you have that may actually get some benefit from?

Bigduke, if you do t mind me asking what are your current measurements?

Currently I am 7” BPEL 6” EG 6.5 BEG

Okay, wow I want your girth. Whats it like having a thick as cock? Mines only just over 5” but am aiming for 6” or more

Funny thing is that I never realized I was blessed with decent girth until I came here. Never had any complaints about size, but you watch porn and go wow how cool would it be to drag that hose around. I been with some smaller girls I hit bottom on and some have told me to go easy and I’ve stuck it into girls that felt like I was dipping it into a glass of water. So I guys I really haven’t considered myself that big. I do know I only am shooting for an extra inch of length and perhaps a half inch of mid girth.

Really? You have a very well sized penis, if anything I would say it is a perfect size! Yeah I see where you’re coming from, some girls I couldn’t even get it in and others it just slid in.. And I’m no where near your girth! You lucky guy! Id cherish that

I guess I want a bit more.. For my ego probably. Maybe so I create the girls who are like water glasses. Id much rather be the home destroyer.

Originally Posted by bigduke
Believe what you will.. My whole life I have met people with limiting belief systems. If I wanted to make outrageous claims I probably would have made them some time ago when I originally joined. Again I’m not sure why I have gained what I have, and my post asks questions so that I may continue to improve myself. I actually felt a bit uncomfortable posting my original post as our penises are a sensitive subject, especially when we talking about size. So if it makes you more comfortable you can pretend I said I got .0001 hundredth of an inch growth and I want to know how to make it permanent and continue my progress. So on that premise is there any advice you have that may actually get some benefit from?

bigduike, so you met people with limiting belief systems, sorry I am not one of those people and I will not pretend that you got .0001 of an inch in growth for my comfort, Really?.
I postest nothing wrong here, did you? I am a realist my friend. I am not also going to pretend you got .0001 hundredth of an inch growth to make you comfortable either, Got it?

Okay, so if it is true that you did gain this size and you are wondering if you can keep it, probably, but care must be taken not to plateau. Plateau is when gains come to a complete
halt for a while. Those are fast gains and if you see your gain come to a halt, that is when you will need to let things heal because of the trauma you have put on your unit. You
have to let up a bit on your routine but not stop all together. You need to understand trauma when it come to over exercising, it happens to body builders. Too much can be lull
in what you are striving for AND you have to know and understand what exactly you are striving for or what will be a happy medium. Have read up on some of the exercises like
fowflers and the piss pull. Those are good exercises to use when growths either slows down or just
stops, this is also a good time for a deconditioning break or what we refer to it as a decon break. Use a lot of heat when you can with an erection, but not with a huge flaccid if you are
trying to keep your gains, because the heat make help shrink your gains to that flaccid size. Heat is a good thing, but use it when fully erect, morning, night or when you can.
Piss pull in a warm shower or a warm bath. Another thing to keep gains are squeezes, you can do this almost anywhere if you have loose pants, put a hand in your pocket and grab
your unit and squeeze, loosen, squeeze etc. Yocan do while shopping, walking, I think you get it, These exercises that I mentioned should be use all the time even when you are gaining.
These are considered maintenance exercises, but I personally had found them to be the most beneficial during my gaining period. You can not go wrong with the little things

Regards, we are here to help,

Originally Posted by bigduke

I guess I want a bit more.. For my ego probably. Maybe so I create the girls who are like water glasses. Id much rather be the home destroyer.

Yeah that’s why I’m here, I want more only for me, I want to look down at my schlong and be proud of it.. And its always fun being the home destroyer haha

Thank your for the reply TNT I will try these suggestions out and add to my routine.


Well I am dedicated this time.. If I get another inch in length and a half in girth I will be satisfied. I do admit my erection quality may be a big part. More nocturnal erections and morning wood than when I was 18. First off a year ago I tried the using an extender, but found it extremely painful. I even worried if it was more like a turniquet than anything and it scared me. So I stopped.

This time I am doing a two a day routine with manual stretches in the AM for 15 minutes, pumping in a manual pump for 10 minutes at up to 5kg. Then jelking for ten. Afternoon I pump for 15 and jelq in a hot shower for ten. I take my measurements only after a day off so that the pumping does not effect the measurement.

I have a question. I am a newbie and I wanted to know how do you pump. For instance you say that you pump for 15 minutes so does that mean that you pump up your penis and just leave it pumped for 15 minutes or what?

Originally Posted by Peperson11

I have a question. I am a newbie and I wanted to know how do you pump. For instance you say that you pump for 15 minutes so does that mean that you pump up your penis and just leave it pumped for 15 minutes or what?

Vacuum Pumping 101

Welcome to Thundersplace!

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Thought I would update this thread I am still at it. Pumping and jelqing mostly, not as much stretching as I use too. Probably should add that back as my gains were much faster. I do think jelqing is the biggest factor to growth. I have gotten a bit thicker maybe a 1/4 inch and about an 1/8 inch longer. It is good to be over 7 inches now and luckily I have good girth. It seems that the littlest gains though now really add to the overall size of my penis and how it looks and feels. I got sick for a month and actually went backwards so that tells me something important. It is very important to eat right and take overall good care of your body if you want gains. Otherwise you are working against yourself.

Bigduke - in your first post you mentioned that your girl had noticed the gains and was wondering what was up.. Tell us more about her reaction. I have had some nice gains over the past 1.5 years but the wife has never commented.


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