Results after 4 months from small starter
Hey guys,
I thought I’d post this for some of the doubters or people who need motivation. I have been Jelqing for exactly 4 months now and already have some great results! I really hope I can keep this up! I started a post on this topic once, nagging because I was a little sceptical at first.. For that my apologies!
Measurement date: 2012-09-05__________________2012-11-05____________________2013-01-02
_____________First measurement______after 2 months (PE 5x/week)____after 4 months (last 2 months PE 2-3x/week)
BPEL:_____________5.3”______________________6.1”__ _________________________6.5”
EG :______________ 4.7”______________________ 4.9”__________________________4.9”
It comes down to the fact that I grew 1.2” in 4 months! I lost motivation because I felt more and more comfortable with the size as I went doing it.
My routine:
10 min warmup with a rice sock
30 sec dry! Bundle stretch to each side. Do it 2 times.
10 sets of 20 good jelq reps with like 2-3 minutes rest between them. I only use like 4-5 drops of oil. I don’t feel the bloodflow if its to slippery. Make sure you feel the blood flow in your penis. If you don’t feel it, you can try and twist your hand a little while you jelq. And I take like 3 seconds for every jelq.
This worked for me for the last 4 months, and hope it will also help for those of you having problems gaining or that are still looking for a good routine.
Good luck and happy gaining