Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



Hey, people!

I’m new to this forum and would like to share experiences and information with you.

If memory serves me correctly, I first measured my penis when I was 18. Size was 6 inches in both length and girth. While to some this may not sound remarkable, consider I’m 5’-10” and weighed 135 lbs at the time. Some girls even remarked, “You want to put that in ME!” So since I was on the High side of average in length and above average girth I was satisfied with my size.

Fifteen years and 80 lbs later, that changed. My extra body mass made my penis look small, and losing fat barely helped because my family naturally thickens with age. This means I can never be thin and healthy an the same time.

That was the time at which size did matter to me, even though I had a girlfriend that was a very snug fit who felt I was a bit much. Funny thing is, I don’t want the extra size for the ladies, I want it for me. In the same way a woman may want to change her size to fit in certain outfits, I want to look at myself in the mirror and appear ‘balanced’.

I have tried various techniques with various results, but I still need a bit more. That’s why I’m here.

Any and all good suggestions will be appreciated.

Success to all,


Yep, the newbie routine is for you.

So you say you “were” 6x6 back then. What are you now? The same?

Is that BP or NBP?

6” length is not the “high side of average” in my opinion, its average, sorry to burst that bubble, but, the 6” girth is not slightly above average either, its well above average. Average girth is 4.75-5”.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read


Hey people!

Me again. Thanks for all the feedback and thanks for reminding me that I didn’t provide enough background to get informed advice from you. So, here it is;

Personal Stats
Age: 41
Height: 5’-10”
Current weight: 208 lbs (mostly around waist)
Ideal weight: 185 (muscular but not excessive)

Penile Stats (current)
Flaccid: L. 5.0”, G. 5.25”
Erect: L. 7.125”, G. 7.375”
Starting date: Oct 20, 2005

Penile Stats (projected)
Flaccid: L. 6.25”, G. 5.5625”
Erect: L. 8.9125”, G. 9.25”.
Desired date: June 21,2006

(My girlfriend says she will stay with me in spite of the proposed increase - imagine that!)

Well, there you have it folks. My present and my future. Sorry about expressing inches in decimal format. Architecture in the blood. Simply divide .0625 into the numbers after the decimal and there’s your measurements in sixteenths.

Now, some additional info.

My penis probably did grow a bit from age (whole family late bloomers) and regular use (8 years of steady sex in 2 relationships). But, like I said before, by the time I was 33 I felt my body was too big and my penis too small. That’s when I embarked on the journey of PE and built my own vacuum pump for under $20.00. This was before I heard about jelqing and supplements. I also did yoga, cardio and vigorous ab work and though my weight has fluctuated, the pump has brought me to the present size. It does work as well as the commercial variety and I’ll be glad to submit the plans, but a word to the wise—PLEASE don’t rush it! Excessive pumping is just like lifting excessive weight. You SHALL hurt yourself, maybe permanently.

So what am I looking for? A complete penile program that combines jelqing, supplements, exercise, mental imagery and mechanical stretching. Like I said before, all reasonable suggestions will be considered.

Wishing everyone out there equal or greater success,


Originally Posted by rufstuf
Hey people!

Me again. Thanks for all the feedback and thanks for reminding me that I didn’t provide enough background to get informed advice from you. So, here it is;

Personal Stats
Age: 41
Height: 5’-10”
Current weight: 208 lbs (mostly around waist)
Ideal weight: 185 (muscular but not excessive)

Penile Stats (current)
Flaccid: L. 5.0”, G. 5.25”
Erect: L. 7.125”, G. 7.375”
Starting date: Oct 20, 2005

Penile Stats (projected)
Flaccid: L. 6.25”, G. 5.5625”
Erect: L. 8.9125”, G. 9.25”.
Desired date: June 21,2006

You’re aiming for a 8.9 x 9.25” dick?!?!!??!??!?!

I think you need to reconsider the girth!!

9.25 is ridiculously massive and probably less then 0.0001% of the worlds female population will be able to take it.

You current girth is 7.3”? Seriously DO NOT try for more, thats MASSIVE already, any more and you could (or probably WILL) find that sex (vaginal or anal) and blowjobs leave your life!!

I would say dont aim for any more girth, at all, ever.

Length target is fine, concentrate on stretches, add in more throughout the day.

As for a routine, despite your previous experience, I suggest starting with the Newbie Routine (link at top of Newbie forum), but like I said above, incorporate more stretches.

At the end of the day if you want to pursue the 8.9” x 9.25” penis, then go for it. But seriously, I would reconsider that goal.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Hi Slack.

I projected 9.25” girth simply because that is my current rate of response to PE (stretches and vacuum pump). My body refuses to follow the rules for cell growth. Deep gash in my thumb closes in a week, paper cut sticks with me for over 2 weeks — no joke.

When I first took measurements, I was 6 X 6. At that rate of growth, it seems that I’m headed there regardless. Hey, if I top out at 7.75, you won’t hear me crying.

The upside is that I have other sexual partners with more space than average (my girl and I swing). I assure you they can handle the girth. Thanks for your perspective though.

I heard a lot about curve correction, but I have a downward curve that I am quite fond of and would like to keep. Is that possible? And if so, how?

Success to all,


I enjoyed reading your thread, rufstuf.

I want to tell you something and please don’t forget it. DON’T lose that attitude, it’s really all you need I swear. I’m a big guy too, I’ll keep my eye on you.

Keep it simple: jelqing, stretching, and mental imagery for sure. Later on, read about hanging and see if it is for you or not.

I hope you girl doesn’t leave you when you get a bigger rod. :rofl:

Hi mate welcome to Thunder’s.

You’ve had some good penis advice so I’ll leave that alone.

If you are wanting to lose weight then there are various ways to go about it. For you I’d recommend just watching what you eat (I don’t know your current diet but..) cutting out any McDonald’s etc. and trying for more fruit. Replacing all drinks with water is very helpful.

Cardiovascular exercise is where you should start. Get out those running shoes or buy a bike machine and pedal while watching TV if you find it boring to run. Ideally, join a gym!

I don’t know of anybody or anything with a girth of 9-1/4” That would be about the size of a grapefruit, would it not?

Good luck, dude.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Thanks for the input everyone. I’m going to PE six weeks on, one off, with measurements taken at the end of each six week session. First update, end of 2005.



Good luck!

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Hey Rustuff:

Wow. That’s some girth goal.

As far as the decimal format goes, accuracy is a virtue. I also happen to hold a degree in Architecture. It was your comment about archi-torture being “in your blood” that made me want to reply.

Six on and 1 off sounds like a good interval. Just for a kick, try taking a measurement the last day of your exercises, and again on your first day back to the routine (after your break). I would be curious to see if there were obvious gains attributable to growth during your rest period.

"Debate the idea..."

Just to put the 9.25” girth into perspective for everyone I just measured and yep it’s a 500mL water bottle. If you want to lose weight and want a detailed workout plan send me a pm and I will set one up for you.

9.25! I just checked that out on the measuring tape, that size is unreal. When your with the ladies it’ll be almost like they’re having a baby in reverse.


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