Thunder's Place

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Semi-erect vs. erect question.

Semi-erect vs. erect question.

I have been PEing for over about 5 months now, seen some decent gains. However, I noticed that when I am semi-erect my penis hangs at about 7-7.5in, yet when I am fully erect I am JUST shy of 7in.(both are NBP) I did a search and didnt find much info on this topic. I don’t understand why when I fully get hard it sucks in a bit. It seems that the potential is there but something is limiting it when I get an erection. Anyone know why this is? I duno whether to see this as a good sign or just false hope. I did the newbie routine for 3 months and now I hang and jelq every other day with 5lbs for an hour. The other days I jelq and manual stretch. I have about one off day. Length has increased a 1/4in since my start and girth has remained the same at 5.5in. Thanks guys.

Measure BP if you want to compare measurements. Measuring NBP is likely to increase measurement error.

To your question: I expect if you compare girth at these two levels you will find your girth is bigger when your penis is shorter. I would expect the inverse of what you report but maybe you are far off a full erection in the semi-erect state you mention.

My flaccid girth is quite a bit bigger than my erect girth and my semi erect package looks bigger, more volume, but by the ruler my dick gets longer when it is hard.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

I think that when the tunica becomes rigid, it effects all of the measurements mentioned especially when comparing semi dimensions to fully erect dimensions. For me, I also notice the most visual difference in girth.

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