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Session Length and Jelqing Q's

Session Length and Jelqing Q's

Some questions regarding manual exercises. #2 and #3 have me really frustrated:

1) I’m running JP90 from PEgym and I’ve seen some guys saying the routine takes them only 45 minutes, but for me it’s 1.5 hours at the very least, sometimes 2. Is that generally too long for a manual exercise routine? It eats up my entire evening.

2) Jelqing: Most videos and instructions say to use an OK-grip with the palm facing up.. But when I try this, a bunch of the skin between the shaft and balls gets in the way, making the motion awkward and feeling inefficient. Also, I have to really contort my wrist so that I start the jelqing motion from the base, or else I only start from bottom-mid/mid-shaft. So I usually do palm-down, but then I don’t feel like any real work is being done. Anyone have tips regarding this?

3) Again jelqing: I frequently have to stop and get more erect, as my erection goes down when jelqing, even if looking at porn. Maybe from 80%ish to 30%ish within 7-10 reps (both hands). Is this because I’m squeezing too hard?

How to Jelq.

Lack of concentration could be causing that erection fluctuation. Teach your body to not be dependable of anything to do PE. On session, turn everything off (except the lights) to promote a quiet environment to work your mind up.

Not an overnight process and is just like jelq: takes patience, time and practice to reach perfection.

Another scenario could be masturbation and porn followed by ejaculation. If you are doing this too much, EQ could suffer in some cases. Either too much or shortly before start the PE session. If that is your case, let to do it far away from PE, most likely on rest days.

Good luck!

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Originally Posted by Lenny
How to Jelq.

Lack of concentration could be causing that erection fluctuation. Teach your body to not be dependable of anything to do PE. On session, turn everything off (except the lights) to promote a quiet environment to work your mind up.

Not an overnight process and is just like jelq: takes patience, time and practice to reach perfection.

Another scenario could be masturbation and porn followed by ejaculation. If you are doing this too much, EQ could suffer in some cases. Either too much or shortly before start the PE session. If that is your case, let to do it far away from PE, most likely on rest days.

Good luck!

Thanks. Tried loosening my grip tonight and EQ was much more consistent. But now I’m wondering if it’s too loose. How much pressure should you apply when squeezing?

Enough grip force to feel the blood being pushed forward. If you jelq with high erection levels (above 80%), this should not be felt that easily. Same happens with lower erections, it is awkward.

If possible, apply most of the grip on the sides of the penis.

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Thanks. I’ve been applying pressure mainly to the top and bottom, so I’ll try the sides and see how it goes

Not good to apply pressure on the nerves (top) and on the urethra (bottom).

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

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