Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Simple question.

Simple question.

I found out about this site a few months ago and was really interested (and seeing others success only helped.)

But after 3 or so weeks I kind of drifted my interest and now I’m back. I figured the routines were too high maintenance because my size is average and I really only wanted an extra inch in length
And a notice in thickness.

My real question I guess is

If I wet jelq while doing something like.. Watching tv totally not paying attention for 25 or so and dry jelq a little before I go t o sleep almost daily with of course recovery.

Is it possible to get actual gains in a realistic amount of time? Realistic for the inch and minor width I want being.3 months give or take?

Opinions or suggestions are greatly appreciated

Originally Posted by Melas
I found out about this site a few months ago and was really interested (and seeing others success only helped.)

But after 3 or so weeks I kind of drifted my interest and now I’m back. I figured the routines were too high maintenance because my size is average and I really only wanted an extra inch in length
And a notice in thickness.

My real question I guess is

If I wet jelq while doing something like.. Watching tv totally not paying attention for 25 or so and dry jelq a little before I go t o sleep almost daily with of course recovery.

Is it possible to get actual gains in a realistic amount of time? Realistic for the inch and minor width I want being.3 months give or take?

Opinions or suggestions are greatly appreciated

You say you want to gain “only” an inch, but gaining that much is actually an achievement. Some people are lucky and gain it relatively quickly, but it takes many others much longer. Your timetable of 3 months or so is probably not realistic. Maybe you’ll be lucky but you shouldn’t count on it.

The only thing you can count on is having to be committed and it doesn’t sound like you’re interested in PE enough to do that. For example, doing jelqs properly requires some concentration. Watching TV and not paying attention is just going at it half-assed, and your results will reflect that.

Most of the people who stick with PE are insecure weirdos who really want to gain and their commitment comes from that. You don’t seem particularly concerned about your size so maybe you shouldn’t bother. On the other hand, if you are willing to approach PE consistently for as long as it takes to reach your goal (just as you would for working out in the gym), then welcome aboard.

To the post above, I PE while watching both porn on my laptop and regular TV. When I get my erection level too high, I watch TV to bring it down. If it gets low, I watch the porn to bring it back up. I think TV can be helpful, but I am still able to do the JELQs properly.

August 2008: NBPEL 4"

I have been able to make small gains in my FL and my EG by following the newbie routine, I do not do the hot wrap part of the routine do to privacy and time, and do stretches throughout the day to try and supplement my lack of heat usage. Like they say the marathon approach instead of sprinting is the best way to have success in P.E. I also believe in experimenting with frequency and intensity to find whats best for YOU.

Some people never gain an inch, it took me a year to gain an inch and then was with extreme effort and dedication. Without a real effort your most likely not going to gain much of anything.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Have people gained an inch in three months? Yes and people win the lottery as well. I would say that is not a realistic time frame of goal.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

LIke most things you only get out of it, what you put into it. Pe requires quite a bit of dedication if you really want gains.

So doing it in a half hearted way will be reflected in your acheivement.
Doing it with dedication will also be reflected in your acheivement

It’s your choice!

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