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Simple way of intensifying the stretch

Simple way of intensifying the stretch

Hold your Penis below the glans by a firm grip and stretch it out completely. Make sure the penis is almost touching your belly button(straight up stretching). while stretched, do a strong kegel and you will have feel that your dick is being pulled back. Kind of a reverse stretch. Do it atleast 10x3 times. This way you will also ensure a good kegel workout along with reverse stretching. I find that it gives me a good work out since there is some force working in both directions. Let me know how you guys find it.

Walk slowly but never backwards.

It is interesting, I will try it out some day.

Sounds similar to DLD Blasters to me?

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

I dont know much about DLD blasters. I ran a search and couldnt come up with anything but lots of posts that had a mention of the word “DLD Blaster” but none actually about what DLD blasters were. If someone can knows it, please post a link. thanks

Walk slowly but never backwards.

DLD blasters are done using reverse kegels so it is the opposite.

5/1/04 Before: 6.75x4.75" started back up again. 2/1/06 7 4/16x5" 3/1/06 7 7/16x5"

Goal: 8.5x6"

focusing on length now with stretches, hanging, and jelqing

“DLD Blasters” call for first fatiguing what DLD called the “PC” muscle, and then stretching, while first doing a regular kegel, and then a reverse kegel. DLD Blasters…Un-Real Length Gains

You can kegel while stretching in any direction. For example, try kegeling while doing a BTC stretch. You can flex and pull up with your ab muscles too for even more stretch.

Originally Posted by nightrider4
DLD blasters are done using reverse kegels so it is the opposite.

Yes. Reverse kegel to basically ease the tension of the PC muscle. But I dont think reverse kegel add a force in a opposite direction of the stretch but just kegels do.

Walk slowly but never backwards.

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