Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Skin Growth

Skin Growth


I have been having excellent newbie gains since I started a little over two months ago (see signature below). I am really excited that this is working so well. I would like to say thanks to all the vets here at Thunder’s for the inspiration and guidance. It has really helped me keep my focus to be able to come here and surf around.

Here is a problem I have noticed: I don’t think I am actually growing much new skin on my penis. The “loose” skin around the base seems to be just getting pulled up, so that I now have hair a bit further up the shaft than before. That’s not really a problem since I shave regularly.

What is a minor problem, though, is that on the unnderside my scrotum seems to be moving up as well. If I am standing up, it really hides my length gains. The gains show better when I am sitting down and leaning back slightly.

Any thoughts for stretching the skin to show off my gains to the best?

HalfRusski 07-26-05 - BPEL 5.90", EG 5.0" 11-16-05 - BPEL 7.45", EG 5.625" Weather report - snow (what did you expect?!) What is a nice guy from Louisiana doing in a place like this?

Ah, Turkey Neck the tell tale sign of a jelqer.

The reason you get it is of course that the skin will stretch at the weakest point, and that is right near the base because there is a small area of skin placed under tension on the top of the shaft and absolutely nothing else holding it back because the scrotum is underneath.

Once you have turkey neck it’s there but minimising it is possible I think:

Firstly it’s important to notice when you are stretching the skin at the base and alter your technique to avoid it.

Secondly, adopt a separate skin stretching routine. The skin stretches easily so just a grip behind the glans, a second grip in the middle which is pulled down to the base, should do the job nicely. Always good to have a nicely warmed and moisturised penis for this.

I picked up the skin stretching thing from Luvdadus and used it for some time, I do have turkey neck but it’s not too bad.

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