Originally Posted by Slack
You ask for advise from the worlds experts in this field then throw a hissy fit when they give it to you? Step one is to remove your head from a dark stinky place, admit to your self that you don’t have a f*cking clue as to what you are doing, and listen to the guys trying to help you.
Remember, all the people that give you advice are giving you the best advice they possibly can. They base their advice on their own experiences and the experiences of a couple of thousand other members. When someone reach out to help and give you advice that they believe will help you gain, it is very disrespectful to tell them to; “get real”, and that; “that is the last thing I need right now”.
Try to calm down and think a bit. If you are doing hard core stuff and keep it consistent for one month and do not gain anything, does it make sense to try even more hard core stuff the second month?
You are not working a muscle like your biceps. Go and take a look in the mirror. Flex your biceps. Imagine then that you could remove your entire biceps, hold it in your hand and study it. Much bigger then your flaccid penis right? Does it still make sense to tug and squeeze on your penis (that is tiny in volume compared to the biceps) like a mad man?