Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

START HERE -----> NEWBIE ROUTINE <----- Important Newbie Info

Newbie Routine Question

I do not feel much after the newbie routine, maybe it is because I have tried PE off and on for years with no real structured routine. Perhaps I am doing the exercise incorrectly, but I do not think that is the issue. Could side to sides be effectively added to this routine to help increase length gains? Or could that potentially cause problems down the road from too much initial training? Less room to grow in the routines, so to speak, pardon the pun.

Newbie Kick-off

I really appreciate everyone’s contribution to the tonnes of information available in this forum!

I’m going to start with the Newbie Routine religiously.

Hoping to report monthly on the gains while avoiding injury. (Main reason for a modest goal :) )

Starting: 6" x 5" BPEL (9/9/2020)

Goal: 7" x 5.5" BPEL (By the time a covid vaccine actually works!)

Routine: Newbie

Originally Posted by WannabeBiggger
I really appreciate everyone’s contribution to the tonnes of information available in this forum!
I’m going to start with the Newbie Routine religiously.
Hoping to report monthly on the gains while avoiding injury. (Main reason for a modest goal :) )

Good Luck.

I am a newbie as well. Wise words from the Veterans on this site, use heat (IR Lamps, etc), Search the forum, drink a lot of water, listen to your penis (P.I. Physiological Indicators)

Starting (07/15/20): BPEL 6.5” BPFSL 6.5” MSEG 4.75” BEG 4.75” BPFL 4.5”

Current (10/27/20): BPEL 7.0” BPFSL 7.5” MSEG 5.0”+ BEG 5.25” BPFL 5.25-5.75”

Goal: BPEL 7.5” MSEG 5.5” BEG 6.0” BPFL 6.5”


Hello ,

I’m news in PE , I will start Newbie routine !

I have little Dick , it makes me really sad..

My size is 5,1 X 4,3 and I would like have 7x5,5 one day .Do you think its possible ?

In how many time its possible ?

Bye .

Originally Posted by scarafino
I’m news in PE , I will start Newbie routine !

Welcome to Thunder’s, the Newbie Routine is a great way to start.

Originally Posted by scarafino
I have little Dick , it makes me really sad..

Get positive my friend. Your cock is just fine. Get out, use it and have fun. Everything in life is both bigger and smaller, don’t ever let that get in your way.

Originally Posted by scarafino
My size is 5,1 X 4,3 and I would like have 7x5,5 one day .Do you think its possible ?

In how many time its possible ?

For some, growth happens faster than for others, we are all different. Know that PE is a slow process, so what your current goals are could and most likely will take years to achieve. However, no worries because there are great nuggets of gold that you will celebrate along the way.

Be consistent, don’t give up and set shorter term achievable goals.

Big gains to all!

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Thanks brother !

How I can be sure my Jelqing is good ?

Hello guy’s, need some help here. I have been PEing on and off for years and have some gains. I started from 6.7’ BPEL and around 5’ in girth, and I am now 7.5 BPEL and 5.5 in girth. However, when I do girth exercises my girth goes up to 6’ that is my goal. (FYI my length goal is 8’ NBPEL.) But I seem unable to sustain the 6’ in girth after my girth session. If I use a cock ring then my girth is 5.75-6’, but I would like to sustain this girth without having to use a cock ring. In addition, if I do not jelq for a couple of days my gains tend to disappear. Any help?

New To Thunders Place

Hello all. I was on another forum and heard great things about this one. I’ve been doing a newbie routine from that forum that is pretty similar to this one. (With added 5 min bundle stretches) But I have not seen any gains yet. At the end of December I will have been doing this routine for three months(might not have been enough time yet to see results). Should I switch over to this routine or find a more advanced one?

Newbie Here Lost AF

Yeah started literally today did the warm-ups and stretches and jelqs then warm downs not gonna lie man I’m so goddamned overwhelmed I’ve talked to some I would assume are “veterans” they did clarify me on some issues I had I still wasn’t satisfied tho

Not only do I don’t know how to work here or just search and find things I need I also don’t know how to delete replies to my own threads because I’m an idiot I don’t even know what are “threads,forums” and the rest of it all I am truly an oblivious mongoloid on this site but I’m still gonna try and get over this mini panic attack that I just had trying to figure EVERYTHING out like I mean ALL of it the forums, search bar,threads,acronyms,the plethora of names for numerous exercises & numerous routines and examples others leave as to what to try out I’m just gonna go with the “Newbie Routine” for now or I don’t know

New Here

Hello everyone! Newbie here to PE.

I looked into PE a few years ago. There are a lot of guides, PDFs to be bought, but it all seemed like snake oil. I’m glad to have found this place this time around! Been reading up on different routines and I think I am ready to start doing some exercises.

Current stats: 6.29" BPEL x 4.92" MEG

I am actually quite happy with my length and looking more for some gains in girth. Talking to girls they like the feeling of being filled - meaning volume. And more girth means more pleasure for me too!
Depending on position I have bottomed out with more than one girlfriend. So no need for more length from my side. Maybe an inch or so, so I can provide the sensation of penetrating deep from any position.

Goal: 7" BPEL x 6" MEG

Reading through the posts here gaining girth seems to be more challenging than gaining length. I will slowly start with the newbie routine for starters and see where that takes me. If all goes well I might start incorporating more jelqing & variations as described in Sizemeister’s and Uli’s routines after two months. Any additional pointers for gaining girth are greatly appreciated.

Apart from that, may I suggest adding a link to the measuring guide? I had to use the search to find the most basic information: how to measure. Or did I miss something? I would suggest adding a link to the first post of this thread and the FAQ. Link: How to Measure Your Penis

Newbie Struggles

Found this forum a few weeks ago and still not gotten over to starting mainly because of my procrastination background but also because I find the newbie routine really confusing.

So for the first thing hot wrap, my penis when flaccid is really small, when its fully erected its like 5-5.2 inches but when its flaccid its depressingly small I guess like 2 inches.. I grabbed a soaked in hot water cloth but it was really hard to wrap around my tiny thing as it was heavy and hard or impossible to wrap, what do I do in this case?

About manual stretching from the newbie routine. The guide title says 5 minutes manual stretch (ten 30-second stretches) <====. Note the ten 30 second stretches part. Then on the instructions and video you have downwardm upward sideways clockwise stretch. So 4 of those. Should I be doing each of those 4 steps twice or what? And even if I do that’s 8 30-second stretches.

And again on jelqing title is 10 minutes of jelq (two hundred 3-second strokes). Then on the guide there’s a few different types of jelqing one with an ok grip, overhand ok grip then C grip. I’m confused as to how many times I should repeat everything. Or should I just count 10 minutes? An experienced member told me to just do the C grip.

And then my biggest confusion comes to the kegels. Honestly, I feel mega dumb saying this but I have no idea how it’s done. At first, I thought it was some exercise then someone told me to go pee and then try to hold back my pee mid-ways and hold for 5 secs. I got even more confused there. So a kegel has nothing to do with touching your penis with your hands or pulling it or whatever? It’s basically waiting until you wanna pee and then going to the toilet, try to pee but then stop it mid-way and hold like that for 5 seconds? I honestly have no idea what my pee muscle is and the instructions on here about it are very hard for me to comprehend as I’m not native english speaker. So basically you have to locate where this muscle is around your penis and then do what? Guide says ”crunching it”? I’d honestly be so thankful if anyone can put it into my brainless mind how to do this as there’s no video about it and I’m very confused

Originally Posted by varna
And then my biggest confusion comes to the kegels. Honestly, I feel mega dumb saying this but I have no idea how it’s done. At first, I thought it was some exercise then someone told me to go pee and then try to hold back my pee mid-ways and hold for 5 secs. I got even more confused there. So a kegel has nothing to do with touching your penis with your hands or pulling it or whatever? It’s basically waiting until you wanna pee and then going to the toilet, try to pee but then stop it mid-way and hold like that for 5 seconds? I honestly have no idea what my pee muscle is and the instructions on here about it are very hard for me to comprehend as I’m not native english speaker. So basically you have to locate where this muscle is around your penis and then do what? Guide says ”crunching it”? I’d honestly be so thankful if anyone can put it into my brainless mind how to do this as there’s no video about it and I’m very confused

“kegel has nothing to do with touching your penis” = correct. You can even do kegels while driving or in a classroom.

Imagine standing over a toilet or urinal and peeing. You cut off the stream. That’s basically a kegel. But you do it with greater force for it to be a real kegel.

If the “hot wrap” aspect is not working for you, consider it as a hot compress. Take your warmed towel and lay it over your penis and pubic area, leaving your testicles uncovered. Essentially all you are trying to do is transfer heat to your penis. Heat increases blood flow and improves elasticity in your unit. Takin* a hot shower or bath is another way to achieve the same purpose.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Guys, I still can’t understand how to do a kegel. I’m not native english speaker so maybe is something I’m missing in the instructions and I feel like the biggest idiot in the world, I really have no idea what I have to do. Can someone explain it to me as if you’re talking to the biggest idiot you’ve ever seen, let’s say I go to the toilet, people say try to stop the urine stream, ok how, by touching the penis with hands or?

Originally Posted by varna
Guys, I still can’t understand how to do a kegel. I’m not native english speaker so maybe is something I’m missing in the instructions and I feel like the biggest idiot in the world, I really have no idea what I have to do. Can someone explain it to me as if you’re talking to the biggest idiot you’ve ever seen, let’s say I go to the toilet, people say try to stop the urine stream, ok how, by touching the penis with hands or?

A Kegel is a voluntary contraction of your PC muscles.

Great. Now you don’t know what your PC muscles are?

The best way to find your PC muscles is this. Imagine your out and you have to piss real bad… but you can’t pee anywhere so you hold it. And it gets so bad you’re litterally clenching your muscles to keep from passing your pants, well thats your PC muscles. You can test this out by going to take a piss and once you open the flood gates try to stop peeing. No hands nothing but the muscles in your pelvis. Now you might not know it yet but your body already knows how to do this. Just litterally try to stop peeing and I bet you can.

Did you stop passing everywhere? Well great you just flexed your PC muscles. Now do it again but this time without pissin first. Thats a kegal.

Thats litterally all there is to it. Is learning how to contract muscles in your pelvic floor. Again no hands no touching or pulling just your brain and a lil flex.

"Pain is temporary, pride is forever."


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