Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

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New To PE 4 BPEL. Looking At Pumps

Hello all! I am so glad I found this site! I am 45 years old and have always been self-conscious about my penis size. I am small in physical stature as well. I have been researching Bathmate pumps to begin my journey.
Some background information first. I am happily married to my wife. We also have an open marriage or poly amorous if you will, therefore, I have been with other women and my size is an issue at times. In our lifestyle, ladies tend to like bigger penises with larger girth as well, which is why I am here.
I would value everyone’s opinion. My goal is to add 3” in length and as much girth as possible.
I look forward to everyone’s feedback.

Thank you!

Hey SC

Welcome to Thunders Place.

Start your exercise off with the newbie routine describe at the top of this thread.

Read as much as you can and be patient. I’m sure you can gain the 3 inches you are looking for however it may take years of commitment and dedication.

Good luck.

Originally Posted by SCguy803
Hello all! I am so glad I found this site! I am 45 years old and have always been self-conscious about my penis size. I am small in physical stature as well. I have been researching Bathmate pumps to begin my journey.
Some background information first. I am happily married to my wife. We also have an open marriage or poly amorous if you will, therefore, I have been with other women and my size is an issue at times. In our lifestyle, ladies tend to like bigger penises with larger girth as well, which is why I am here.
I would value everyone’s opinion. My goal is to add 3” in length and as much girth as possible.
I look forward to everyone’s feedback.

Thank you!

Welcome to TP. I encourage you to start a Progress Report and Pictures thread for yourself. Three inches may be pushing it, but no doubt you will gain something if you work hard enough.

Originally Posted by AndyB123
Hey SC

Welcome to Thunders Place.

Start your exercise off with the newbie routine describe at the top of this thread.

Read as much as you can and be patient. I’m sure you can gain the 3 inches you are looking for however it may take years of commitment and dedication.

Good luck.

Thank you Andy!! I will definitely keep you guys posted! I am going to shoot for 3” and hopefully find incremental small gains along the way. Do you guys recommend a penis pump? If so, what brand?

Thank you for the encouragement as well!

Where can I view a topic with erect bends?


Welcome to the forum.

Search for “plumped bends”. Erect bend is a misnomer, you shouldn’t bend fully erect unless your intent is to cause injury.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by memento
Welcome to the forum.

Search for “plumped bends”. Erect bend is a misnomer, you shouldn’t bend fully erect unless your intent is to cause injury.

Thank you. I found out that I was doing this exercise incorrectly( I have too strong an erection to bend as shown in the video.

Just putting this in here, I’ve been using the Phallason extender device and noticed my head getting larger to the point of it’s getting hard to get into the medium cup, I’ve been using this as well as pumping sessions. Has anyone else experienced this?

Originally Posted by web07
Just putting this in here, I’ve been using the Phallason extender device and noticed my head getting larger to the point of it’s getting hard to get into the medium cup, I’ve been using this as well as pumping sessions. Has anyone else experienced this?

Hey, web07. You asked this question exactly, yesterday, in another thread. Please do not double post in multiple threads, and please do stay on topic for the thread which you are replying.

Reference Forum Guidelines before continuing your PE research. Thank you for your understanding.

-Stay safe


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