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Starting a Manual Routine in a month

Starting a Manual Routine in a month

Hi all!

I bought an extender some time ago and while it worked briefly, it has since ceased functioning and as I am moving to my own place within a month, I figured I would do some conditioning exercises before starting a real routine after moving. To give a bit of history about myself, I did quite a bit of PE a few years ago and after gaining about half an inch in length permanently, I stopped. However, I am once again interested in gaining, this time going for a mix of length and girth to really fill out that volume.

What I am really looking for is advice on exercises to incorporate into a dedicated routine and opinions on how often/with what intensity to perform them. Right now, I am stretching and jelqing nearly every day to gauge what my level of conditioning is right now, and complete the rest of JP’s 90-day routine based on that. It currently looks like I’ll be doing his routine for a little over a month. Might as well get a regimen and supplements all planned out now, right?

Any help or opinions appreciated.

Alright, it seems I am still well-conditioned. I will be doing conditioning for about 30 days to be on the safe side. My current size is about 7” x 5” and I am trying to reach 8” x 5.5”. Here is a plan for the first 30 minutes of my routine, the rest is to be planned:

- Warm-up
- Helicopter shakes and basic stretches
- A-Stretches
- Wet Jelqs/wet power jelqs depending on my excitability that day

Things I am considering adding:
- Clamping
- V-Jelqs
- Ulis
- Ballooning for warm-down
- Reverse Jelqs (to widen out that base, which is still small)

Does anyone have any advice on how to increase base girth?

Originally Posted by SpartanS238
Alright, it seems I am still well-conditioned. I will be doing conditioning for about 30 days to be on the safe side. My current size is about 7” x 5” and I am trying to reach 8” x 5.5”. Here is a plan for the first 30 minutes of my routine, the rest is to be planned:

- Warm-up
- Helicopter shakes and basic stretches
- A-Stretches
- Wet Jelqs/wet power jelqs depending on my excitability that day

Things I am considering adding:
- Clamping
- V-Jelqs
- Ulis
- Ballooning for warm-down
- Reverse Jelqs (to widen out that base, which is still small)

Does anyone have any advice on how to increase base girth?

From what I’ve read looks like you have a solid routine planned. I did not see any rest days though. Do you plan to include any form of pumping?

The things your considering adding are advanced so hold off on them for awhile. Honestly why not start at the newbie for a bit and take it from there? It’s a good guideline and really that’s all it is meant to be so you can add and do more or less depending on how your dick is responding. Just my thoughts

My bad I completely missed the jp90 part. I got a lot going on and that is my mistake. Sounds like the newbie even tho a good guideline for you, isn’t what your looking for.

But I’d still stress the add on’s are a bit advanced at this point

Hanging is best for base girth from my understanding

Originally Posted by learnsomthingnu
From what I’ve read looks like you have a solid routine planned. I did not see any rest days though. Do you plan to include any form of pumping?

Ah, I’ve considered pumping, but I am the kind of person to go really overboard very quickly. I follow a “more is more” mentality with most of my life, and PE is the same. The thing with extenders and hanging is you really get a good idea for the limit of what your body can handle, and when you are approaching unsafe territory, the pain tends to show up first. While I might consider pumping later, I think with my mentality right now I should keep my hands clear of a pump. Thanks for the suggestion though! :D

Originally Posted by kingscounty
My bad I completely missed the jp90 part. I got a lot going on and that is my mistake. Sounds like the newbie even tho a good guideline for you, isn’t what your looking for.

But I’d still stress the add on’s are a bit advanced at this point

Yeah, I see where you are coming from. I think I’ll go for a more taxing routine without the Ulis and such. Maybe some mild clamping and power jelqing if I’m feeling good about it, but I’ll stay away from the rest until I get some more conditioning and progress in; maybe check back with it in 6 months to a year.

Originally Posted by bjornbjorn
Hanging is best for base girth from my understanding

Really? I’ve always heard extenders and hangers mostly work on length. Is there any reason/theory for why they work the base girth? Fulcrum point stretching the tunica maybe? Additionally, do you have any hangers you would recommend?

6 months to a year is a great idea, if you look at my progress and pics report it was started about a year ago and I was already 2 years into PE and that was when I introduced clamping. I know it sounds like extremely cautious but I had already pushed the envelope with other exercises and clamping for some reason scared me. I guess because so many guys said it was the easiest way to injury.

There’s a couple theories to the base girth gains from hanging but the one I think holds weight (no pun intended) is because of the clamp style hangers doing just that, acting as a clamp.

Also it seems you want to gain more length then girth so some of those advanced exercises may not be necessary. Your stretching seems spot on. I like using a cheap cable clamp with padding as an assist while stretching.

Have you gained or are you waiting till the jp90 is done to measure?

I have done PE on and off for a few years so I have gained before. I think I am going to wait until I finish up the JP 90 to measure this time for a final count before I start my routine. Still hunting for a new place at the moment so my energy is all drained between work, friends, and that. :/ I might have to continue the JP 90 for longer. I don’t count a flimsy, half-hearted workout as a day and by that metric I haven’t don’t a since day of PE in a few weeks. -.-

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