Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Starting outover

Starting outover

Hi guys,
Have been a pumper for about 12 years off and on and have not really seen any difference in size (accept when pumped up) I have been a member of this site for a while and today I am starting this PE thing and am taking it very seriously and am very committed to making it work.

I am starting out with the Newbie Routine. (Going back to zero). I plan to do that for two months. I really love pumping as well so I am going to incorporate that into the routine after the Newbie.

I am a big guy (6-1 and 225 lbs) and have a pretty small dick. I am in excellent health and getting in great shape.

My starting stats are:
4” long flaccid
4 3/8 girth flaccid

5.5 long hard
4.5 girth hard

As you can see it is almost the same girth soft as it is hard. I do gain an inch and a half hard, but this is not nearly enough for me.

My goals:

Dream- 9 x 7
Realistic 7 x 6

I have the right attitude and motivation and patience to do this so that is not a problem. I am 52 years old and should have started this 20 years ago. I am not looking back, only forward.

My pumping routine is basically putting the pump on and leaving it on until I either am sore or my dick fills the cylinder. I also pump my balls. I start out in a 2 3/4 to pump my cock and balls then move to a 1 1/2 inch tube then on to a 2 inch. I can almost fill the 2 inch tube (in time to the sides but not nearly the lenght.

So here I go on my new adventure . Any advice or suggestions you guys can give me will be greatly appreciated. I will post results monthly.Wish me luck..

Consistency, stick with it and you will see results. Good luck and happy PEing

When I was 5 years old my mom told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy." They told me I didn't understand the assignment, I told them they didn't understand life. ~John Lennon

Good luck.

If you have been pumping regularly, my only advice would be to take at least a couple of weeks off before you start the Newbie Routine, to de-condition first.

Thanks Firegoat.I haven’t pumped in a couple of weeks so I am de conditioned. It just amazes me after reading so much on this site about how guys get gains from pumping that I have not made any gains from pumping after all the years of doing it. You would have thought I would at least have noticed SOME gain.oh well it is what it is.and Marius69 is right. I just have to be consistent and make it part of my daily routine..

Thanks for your wishes.

I agree with the ‘consistent’ part, but try 2 on 1 off for a while. I recon much of the growth happens on the 1 off.

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