Statistical Review Of The 8x6 "Gold Standard"
I posted this on Reddit and got a lot of hate. This time, the first paragraph will be my disclaimer instead of that last:
MY "Gold Standard" is not 8x6. It’s not my opinion that we need to be the biggest a woman has been with. I don’t believe that we need to have a truly rare dick to deeply satisfy a woman. The time I’ve spent in the PE community has reduced my goal size not increased it.
8x6 has long been thought of as the gold standard of Big Dickery, but why? Is it because the round numbers sound good? Or because that’s what dudes on the internet claim to have? Maybe your girlfriend claims she had one that big in college and now you’re on a mission to "measure up"?
For all the different reasons so many of us have decided 8x6 is the gold standard, statistics and probability show we’ve been right all along.
According to our best available source of data on dingle dimensions (CalcSD), the western average is about 5.8 x 4.75. Now according to statistics, an occurrence is considered statistically significant if it occurs in no more than 5% of a population. This means if your dick is roughly 7x5.5, or other dimensions of equal volume, then you have a statistically significant dong. Congratulations!
A quick internet search says the average woman has had 7 sexual partners. I personally feel like this number goes up with more attractive women and it obviously goes up the longer they stay single. This means, based on the laws of probability, the average woman that has received 7 dickings has a 30% chance of experiencing a statistically significant wang. This goes up to 40% is she’s been with 10 guys.
Being in the top 5% is undoubtedly big. However, the goal for many doing PE is to be more than just big. Many of us here (foolish as it may be) want to know we’re among the very biggest and have all of our sexual partners feel the same way. A lot of guys in the PE community aren’t satisfied with a size that 40% of women have had.
To be truly rare is to reach statistical significance amongst a womans 10 experiences and not just individually. To reach this level you must be in the 99.5th percentile in the population. This means there would be a 95% chance that you’re the biggest an experienced woman has been with. According to CalcSD’s western average, the golden number to reach this level isssss… guessed it…….8 x 6. 8 x 6 is almost exactly the 99.5th percentile and is unquestionably rare without venturing into the freakish and extreme.
This offers mathematical backing to the 8x6 gold standard. It also helps explain why people without knowledge of statistics and probability sometimes have an issue with CalcSD. Even though in a room of 1000 men only 5 with be 8x6, there’s still a 5% chance that a woman has played with one that size. Sorry boys, but the math maths.
Again, it’s not my opinion that we need to be the biggest a girl has been with. I just find it interesting that our collective golden standard is the same as the mathematical standard of "statistical significance". I figured some others here would think the same.