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Stretch Or Jelq First

Stretch Or Jelq First

Do you think it’s better to jelq before you stretch, or stretch before you jelq? I’ve read both sides of the debate before and I’m still not convinced if one option is better than the other. Although I’m not sure if it matters, it would be good to hear people give their input.

Personally I jelq before and after stretching. The first lot to prepare for the stretching and the second lot to get plenty of new blood into the tissue (which can become mildly oxygen-depleted during long routines).

I think most important the jelqing afterwards, though, so you leave your penis pumped full of blood when you finish your routine.

I always do stretching before jelqing and I generally prefer length exercises before girth exercises (unless I’m clamping in the morning and stretching is the evening).

I stretch first, mainly for the convenience. I dry jelq, but do use a bit of lube to keep the skin pliable. Trying to stretch after is a mess. And also, I get so erect by the end of my jelqing session that it takes forever to get it soft enough to stretch. So its just more convenient to stretch flaccid at the beginning before I do anything that engorges my penis.

Stretch first. Jelq after will help to get blood back to where it’s been squeezed out.

I’ve always prefered to jelq first. Unit seems much more pliable after I have jelqed.

Would it be bad to stretch, jelq, then stretch? Maybe stretch with a warm washcloth while warming down? I stretch, then jelq, but have always wondered about stretching after jelqing too

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