Thunder's Place

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Stretching seens too rough

Stretching seens too rough

Hi everyone.

I first started knowing about PE years ago, tried a few times, but I was too young,didn’t have maturity to keep it up, so I gave up, but I remember I had a problem back there, and now that I’m back to PE,I’m having it again.

Apparently, stretching is too rough for me, I don’t know, it doesn’t feel right, stretching makes my penis weaker, with soft erections, when I do stretching before jelq, I get a really hard time keeping up the needed erection for jelqing, it keeps going back to soft, and stay that way for the rest off the day, I guess this is a bad sign. Another thing is that when I don’t stretch and do only jelq, I get all the good signs of PE, harder erections, and more often, when I get hard I can fell the blood flowing strong on my penis, it feels kind of bigger,thicker,anyway,all the good signs are there when I only do jelqing.

My problem is that what I really want is length, since I already have a nice girth, but without stretching I don’t know if gaining length is possible, so I’m really looking for an alternative for length.

Just to clear a fell things, I don’t do heavy stuff when stretching, just the basic newbie stretch, I try to make the grip as soft as possible, and usually I don’t do too much because my penis starts to get harder(I’m circumcised so the skin is really sensitive) so I have to stop and wait, that make me boring so I just do like 2 more stretches and go for jelqing, basically if put it all together, usually I don’t do more than 1 minute of stretches,really,I barely do it, but its enough to give me bad signs.

Anyway, I just want to know why this happens and what alternatives do I have, thanks for your attention.

Hey Heizen!

Welcome to Thunders

It is always recommended to start with a beginners routine and continue with it for 90 days or until you stop gaining. Start slowly and build up to the full routine over a few weeks.

Jelq with an erection level between 40 and 70%. When stretching, grab your shaft about one inch below the glans and do not pull too hard, just enough to to feel a slight stretch. Let your PIs be your guide as to how hard to peruse your routine.

Dont forget to take good starting measurements and photos so you have a solid base to compare your gains to.

PE safely and good luck with your endeavors.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

Very generous use of those commas…

I have read that stretching does temporarily reduce EQ, but supposedly isn’t harmful. As long as you aren’t yanking your dick in 8 directions you should be fine.

Problem solving with fire.

Stretching works great for both pe and eq. The reason you experience weakness might be from squeezing or kegel as you exercise. Do you perform relaxed or tense?

May want to start with a nice warm up if you don’t already. Before I stretch I microwave a rice sock and put it on my junk for 10 minutes. While I stretch I have a space heater a couple feet away from me as well. The first couple stretches I go light and increase the intensity as the workout progresses. My unit feels like putty at the end.

Started 11/2014 6" BPEL x 4" MEG (Ballpark #'s)

As of 01/2017 7 1/2" BPEL x 4 7/8" MEG

18 Month Comparison Pic

It’s not uncommon for stretches and other length work to (temporarily) reduce EQ. When I started several months ago, learning how to edge properly (which is hard when EQ is low and premature ejaculation can therefore be a problem) solved my EQ issues. If this is the case for you then you should have better EQ after off days. The EQ should always come back of course. You could also try cutting the stretches for a few days and see if that was the problem, maybe do some jelqs instead.

Originally Posted by MrSure
Stretching works great for both pe and eq. The reason you experience weakness might be from squeezing or kegel as you exercise. Do you perform relaxed or tense?

This is opposite to my personal experience. Stretching and low EQ jelqs reduce EQ for me and a solid kegel/edging/squeezing regime is necessary to keep it up.

February '16: 173 mm BPEL (6.81") 132 mm MEG (5.20")

November '18: 190 mm BPEL (7.48") 137 mm MEG (5.39")

Goal: A sustained 7.7" by 5.8" during intercourse

Thanks everyone,I’ll try to do only jelqs for now, because I’m gonna have sex this week and don’t wanna risk a soft erection, but after this week I’m gonna try doing stretches for a week or two and see if the EQ gets better.

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