Stretching seens too rough
Hi everyone.
I first started knowing about PE years ago, tried a few times, but I was too young,didn’t have maturity to keep it up, so I gave up, but I remember I had a problem back there, and now that I’m back to PE,I’m having it again.
Apparently, stretching is too rough for me, I don’t know, it doesn’t feel right, stretching makes my penis weaker, with soft erections, when I do stretching before jelq, I get a really hard time keeping up the needed erection for jelqing, it keeps going back to soft, and stay that way for the rest off the day, I guess this is a bad sign. Another thing is that when I don’t stretch and do only jelq, I get all the good signs of PE, harder erections, and more often, when I get hard I can fell the blood flowing strong on my penis, it feels kind of bigger,thicker,anyway,all the good signs are there when I only do jelqing.
My problem is that what I really want is length, since I already have a nice girth, but without stretching I don’t know if gaining length is possible, so I’m really looking for an alternative for length.
Just to clear a fell things, I don’t do heavy stuff when stretching, just the basic newbie stretch, I try to make the grip as soft as possible, and usually I don’t do too much because my penis starts to get harder(I’m circumcised so the skin is really sensitive) so I have to stop and wait, that make me boring so I just do like 2 more stretches and go for jelqing, basically if put it all together, usually I don’t do more than 1 minute of stretches,really,I barely do it, but its enough to give me bad signs.
Anyway, I just want to know why this happens and what alternatives do I have, thanks for your attention.