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Switching back to stretching, bad idea?


Switching back to stretching, bad idea?

I’m switching to stretching again. Latley I’ve struggled hard to attach the bib-hanger right and the hanging have never gave me the same pull as a stretch.
As much as I enjoy hanging, I can’t ignore that I’ve had problems with the attachment and that stretching gave me most if not all of my gains.

I’ve much to deal with in my life now. Stretching fits me better.
I’ve hanged since june, but I didn’t hang “right”. I’ve realized that the hanger was to loose I probably stretched the skin. I feel that I get a better “pull” of the “inner penis” with stretching. With “inner” I mean the center of the penis and not the part not shown.

Is it a bad idea to go back to stretching after hanging? I’ve hanged 6-7 pounds at most, 4 sets x 20min.
Or is my penis “too” conditioned for stretching now?

Gyrta…man this is a great thread. I’m interested to hear the responses. I was hanging too…did so for about a month and a half and I have stopped now. I’m almost scared to go back to stretching because I feel that it might be a waste of time, and for now I’m jelqing. Thankfully I have not lost any of the gains.

If you gained with stretching, I probably wouldn’t have started hanging at all. I don’t see any reason not to go back to it.

Using the Bib hanger, there is a good portion of the penis that doesn’t get stretched. Basically, only the portion between the body and the “ridge” closest to the body gets stretched, so I have always continued to do stretches while hanging with the Bib.

Stretching can certainly be done more conveniently, like in bed at night if one wakes up and can’t get back to sleep.

Redbear - I agree with you, but I think Gyrta’s question is now if he switches back to stretching manually, will that yield gains?

Originally Posted by redbear52
If you gained with stretching, I probably wouldn’t have started hanging at all. I don’t see any reason not to go back to it.

Using the Bib hanger, there is a good portion of the penis that doesn’t get stretched. Basically, only the portion between the body and the “ridge” closest to the body gets stretched, so I have always continued to do stretches while hanging with the Bib.

Stretching can certainly be done more conveniently, like in bed at night if one wakes up and can’t get back to sleep.

Had problems with blisters on the glans. I hopefully manage to avoid them this time.

Originally Posted by peskeptic
Redbear - I agree with you, but I think Gyrta’s question is now if he switches back to stretching manually, will that yield gains?

Exactly. :)

I don’t see why hanging should “condition” the penis any more than stretching would. Furthermore, there really isn’t any solid evidence that the whole notion of “conditioning” is valid, in my view.

The obvious thing to do is try stretching and see what happens. The same could be said about any aspect of PE.

I stretched, switched to hanging (light weights only, though), wanted to move up, ordered wrong velcro for Captain’s wench and now I’m back to stretching. :) I think there are some new length gains already. :)

There are many members who have gained by only stretching and jelqing.

As long as you can do proper stretching (ie. don’t get too much erection, and hands don’t get tired too easily), then stretching allows you to hit many different angles in a short period of time than a hanger can.

Hanging is a time movement in one particular angle. Although you can do multiple angles, but it can become very tedious.

So I absolutely see no harm in switching back to stretching.

Notorious "Hardgainer". No Gain in 4 Years! Check out my "Blog" under Profile.

(starting: Jun 2007) 5.75" BPEL x 5" EG / (Sept 11, 2011) 6.375" BPEL x 5.125" EG / (July 1st, 2014) 6.25" BPEL x 5.125" EG (lost a bit of size)

One good thing about hanging 2 hours a day (which sums up to 2.5+ with warming up and breaks) is that it makes stretching 45 minutes a day almost laughable effort-wise. Once you know what it’s like to just sit there for 2.5 hours with weights hanging off your dick, 45 minutes of stretching fly by extremely quickly. Before hanging, I couldn’t talk myself into stretching for more than 30 minutes, now I do it for 45 with very little effort and I’ll probably move on to 60 later.

I have switched in the beginning of October to just stretching. I was hanging up to 10lbs and have been hanging since December of 09. From October to last week I achieved a 1/4 BPEL gain following cervixhunters routine but modify to add more angle.

Starting Stats: BPEL = 5.875, EG = 4.375 <> Current Stats: BPEL = 7.25, EG = 4.6

Originally Posted by Penox
I have switched in the beginning of October to just stretching. I was hanging up to 10lbs and have been hanging since December of 09. From October to last week I achieved a 1/4 BPEL gain following cervixhunters routine but modify to add more angle.

Motivating to hear!

I’ve been doing all stretching for about 2.5 months, and I’ve gained about half an inch. It really does work well for me. However, I’m new and I might hit a plateau later on where I can’t gain until I start either stretching more or hanging. We’ll see.

I also switched back to manual stretching. Hanging took too much time and I did not gain anything during that time. After two weeks of manual stretching (very short sets, only 30sec) I see some small gains BPFSL and that has been the best indicator for me. I am gonna add time, angles and sets as the time goes by and I will probably never go back to hanging.

Originally Posted by Penox
I have switched in the beginning of October to just stretching. I was hanging up to 10lbs and have been hanging since December of 09. From October to last week I achieved a 1/4 BPEL gain following cervixhunters routine but modify to add more angle.

Hmm that’s pretty interesting. Why do you think you gained with stretching but not hanging. Whats cervixhunters routine like, plus the angle?

I am also switching back from hanging to manual stretching.

I did hanging for 2 years consistently. I reached some of my length goals but not all. I hit a plateau 3 months ago, and recently decided to switch to girth work.

In addition to the girth work, I am doing some manual stretches, and incorporating ideas from the drabbuhmot and cervixhunter threads. Basically I am stretching each day to a set mark/measurement so I can make sure that I don’t start losing any length gains. If I can make some more length gains over the next year by doing this, I will be very happy.

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