Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New Stretching Aide Idea!


New Stretching Aide Idea!

I have an idea for a new stretching aide. I got the idea from those bamboo
finger traps (here is a link to show what I’m talking about ).

My idea is to basically make one of these but obviously bigger in the girth area. In-case you don’t know how these work, you put your pointer fingers from your left and right hand in each end. Then if you pull both fingers out at the same time you can’t get them out.

I would like to hear opinions on this idea, especially the SAFETY of such a device.

What do you think?

“Doctor, I got out of the shower and I just fell onto the bed. I didn’t know that thing was there. Next thing I know, my dick is trapped in it…”

You would need a good tight underwrap for protection and to limit skin stretch but any hard pulling device that encircles the penis has a tendency to be left on too long and therby cause damage to the dorsal nerve.

But it would work as an ADS device under low pressure, I suppose.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

I’ve often thought that this would be a good concept for a hanger-type device. I think Twatteaser has too. However, I’ve never seen one big enough to put a dick into, let alone made of something other than bamboo. It’s a nice idea, but have you seen it bigger, and made of something less splintery?

> and made of something less splintery?

That’s the key phrase. I’ve seen these discussed here before, but it made my dick shrivel just thinking about it. I can see how it would work, but it would definitely have to be a different material.

I haven’t seen anything bigger or a different material, but maybe someone here will think of something someday. Some VERY creative people here.

I forget what the thoughts were last time this was discussed, but I have a couple now.

If you took it as a clamping mechanism, designed to sit just on the shaft well behind the head with some kind of attachment for the weights, then the pressure on the shaft would be dependent on the weight to some degree, maybe it would need to have several different variants for different weights to apply a suitable pressure to the shaft that doesn’t just pull the skin and doesn’t cause too much pressure on the shaft. The release might also be problematic, with the bamboo one you push to expand but would you reach a point where release is hard or impossible.

If designed a la swimcap to go over the shaft and the glans, would it apply all pressure to the glans, would the wieght be distributed over the shaft.

Sounds like a lot of experimentation to get to something consistently usable, and testing different plastics as suitable replacements for bamboo. So you going to try and take it further than a thought needgirtha?

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I may try to take it father IF I can find the right materials.

Has anybody thought of a garlic peeler? They are kinda flexible enough and have the right amount of space to hold your dick safely in place.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

That might work, Uncut4Big. I just wonder if it could create the same suction type effect as the chinese finger trap.

Here’s a pic of a garlic peeler..

(2.0 KB, 238 views)

Last edited by stevie31 : 10-05-2003 at .

>I may try to take it father IF I can find the right materials.<

The kind of nylon strips you can get for tying together air ducting might be a good place to start.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

You could use silicone glue to close the end off. Or use heat to shrink it. That should create a sufficient seal for elevated suction to hold the peeler in place.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

A suction hanger. Cool. Pumping and hanging in one.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Right on, Mem.

And when you’re done, make some dinner, maybe pasta with some nice creamy garlic sauce.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

>And when you’re done, make some dinner, maybe pasta with some nice creamy garlic sauce.

Ahh, extra protein! :D

Exactly! Protein is always good.

But seriously, it could work.The question’s now, how to attach some weight without ripping the thing. Maybe drill a hole on each side and secure the edges with the same brass rings you find on those damn shower curtains.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

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