Thunder's Place

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Stretching the case or the sausage

Stretching the case or the sausage

So I just found out that I’ve been stretching completely wrong (thank you search function). I’m a little pissed b/c I felt as though I actually was (the past 5 months). After reviewing the videos again I found that I was just pulling on my skin. The best way to describe it is pulling the casing on the sausage and not the sausage itself. I was stretching relatively hard with this to the point where the skin around the base made a huge V (with the bottom of the V being my head). I’m going to go to an overhand grip now, but I feel as though when I pull my skin back first and then pull, it is as though I’m just pulling the casing. I now use my whole hand and basically grab a portion of my head along with the pull in an overhand grip. Does this all sound correct? I feel as though I can’t pull nearly as hard, but I’m also not just pulling the skin on my penis, it’s more like I’m putting just a few pounds on pulling the penis. I hope I don’t waste a few more months doing this wrong :/

Be careful with that new grip you mentioned. That’s how I used to do it and it resulted in a minor injury. Try using just the thumb and forefinger in a tight grip. This works for me in a BTC stretch. Oh yeah and don’t forget to pull the skin all the way back first.

Oh yeah and make sure you read Jelqing and Stretching 101 article. There’s a link at the bottom of the page. I don’t know how to create a link in the post sorry. Any help guys?

Don’t feel bad, footeddie. I had started out doing PE after viewing the (fuzzy, poorly done) videos at I found Thunder’s about a week later, which is good. But somehow, that earlier routine got stuck in my mind and I was using an OK grip just behind the glans for stretching. A regular OK grip started to flair out the corona. I should have taken a closer look at Stretching 101; an overhand grip that holds the glans in place is much preferable.

However, even using the overhand grip, it’s still easy to use the glans as an anchor for stretching rather than holding onto the “sausage” as you call it. That in turn can put too much stress on where the inner portion of the glans attaches to the rest of the penis, and creates an unnecessary soreness deep inside the glans, at least for me. There are several threads in the hanger’s forum that discuss getting a good grip on the sausage instead of the casing. Those discussions would be useful for both of our concerns.

I agree with that josh, I think that’s what had caused me to bleed a while back. I’ll start reading up some more into stretching 101 Slack. Overall I think the overhand grip will help me tho, while holding an inch back from the gland. I just feel like I can’t pull as hard as I was able to, probably b/c I was just yanking the hell out of my skin :o .

So, I tried out my stretching tonight. A world of a difference, other than I have to work on not squishing my gland when doin the overhand grip. I actually saw and felt a difference when pulling. Of course I can’t pull as hard, but I’m happy I got a chance to straighten this out :) .

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