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Stretching twice a day

Stretching twice a day

I’m currently following the newbie routine strictly with no modifications, however, I’m looking to gain length more than girth. I was wondering if stretching twice a day, the exact same way the newbie routine instructs to stretch, would help with length gains. By this, I don’t mean doing the newbie routine twice a day, but rather stretching twice a day.

I think of the newbie routine like a compass. One of the best aspects of it is that it’s a generally safe starting point for anyone and you can gauge your individual body’s response to it and adjust up or down depending on the feel and results you get. Some get more results with more work, some get overworked, strained and lose by overdoing it. If you’ve got the time, try adding in some extra stretches and see how you respond. But definitely do not get too caught up in believing that more is “more” until you get a good idea of how your body responds to the exercises.

I know for me that I had my best gains when staying on the lighter side of things, or whenever I added a new exercise or device and started easy and light. The times I’ve pushed too far and done too much have only left me with disappointment, negative PIs and no gains.

Thanks for the response, I’ll consider adding 5 minutes of extra stretching soon.

I don’t think that 2Xday is inherently bad or dangerous. It is a pretty common modification to the newbie routine. But as Illivan pointed out, modifying your routine based on pure guess work is never the way to go. Unless and until you know your wang won't respond to a less is more approach you are potentially loosing out on easy gains.

Give your self a chance to luck into easy gains. If you start gaining with a minimalist routine ride the easy gains, not changing anything until they stop.

If you do stretch 2Xday don’t skimp on the warm up. Nothing messes up your PE training like a penis injury.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

I think you can but be soft, and no matter how hard you go you will not gain fast, so be gentle with it have a good luck

Start July 07 2011 = Length 6.5 Girth 5.3 ---> 07 / May / 2012 = NBPEL 7 In / BEG 6.2.5 In / MEG 5.8

Goal : All the way --- And no this is not my photo :D

Guess it will help, some people give a couple stretches anytime they go to the bathroom, but you are talking about 2 sessions of stretches that take 10min each aprox. Bad it wouldn’t do, I mean that’s not any close of a hardcore PE, there is people that wear an extender for 8 hours, I myself wear it for 4 hours but with 2hrs breaks so good luck and good gains for you

Start BPEL 5.5 EG 5.2 09-20-2011

GOAL 7x6 - on a 5'5 guy it will look huge

Too much to my belief

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