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Stretching upward

Stretching upward

When I pull upward (between 10 and 12 o’clock), I hold for close to 30 seconds and feel a nice, dull pain from the base to the middle of my shaft. The stretch is great. I do about 6-7 of these 30 second reps and this leaves my flacid wang nice, thick and long. Does this description sound like I’m stretching the tunica? The lig? Both?


12/10/03 at 5.90" BPEL x 4.75"

07/15/04 at 7.00" BPEL x 5.00"

Goal...bigger ;)

Do you feel it around the sides of the base or the top? If you feel it mostly on the sides or all around the base, you are stretching the tunica (at least for the most part). If you feel it on the top (near the base), you are stretching the ligaments. If you feel it along the top (from base to midshaft), you are probably hitting the septum. To help you isolate the feeling of lig stretch, do some straight down or BTC stretches. To me, lig stretch is a sharper type of pain (although still very mild … we’re not talking PAIN pain here), whereas tunica stretch is a more dull type of pain. Hope this helps.

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This is me in case you ever want to know what kind of psycho you're dealing with.

The “pain” (good kind) is felt at the sides and bottom-side of the base, but more like the “inside” of mid-shaft. Does that sound more like septum? I need to do a search, but what could septum work improve? Length, girth? Both?

Straight down or BTC stretches (which I’ve done) do have a sharper pain, but I have trouble distinguishing it from the skin or the lig. Because of this (not knowing if I’m doing more harm than good), I put less effort in that direction. But I found that pulling up gives me that loose, heavy and stretched feeling…and I love it.

Another difference I’ve noticed between these two stretching directions is that after pulling straight down or BTC, my wang hangs longer but thinner. Whereas after I stretch upward, it hangs just as long as a BTC stretch, but thicker.

It seems like an upward directional stretch is more beneficial for my case despite having an LOT of around 8 o’clock. Comments?

12/10/03 at 5.90" BPEL x 4.75"

07/15/04 at 7.00" BPEL x 5.00"

Goal...bigger ;)

>>The “pain” (good kind) is felt at the sides and bottom-side of the base, but more like the “inside” of mid-shaft. Does that sound more like septum? I need to do a search, but what could septum work improve? Length, girth? Both?<<

Working on the septum would add length to the shaft. A good way to tell if that is what you are hitting is to press down (v-stretch style but very lightly) in the middle of your shaft while you are doing an upwards stretch. If you notice that the very thin part in the middle of the top of the shaft is tight, your septum is taking most of the tension.

Also, the easiest way to tell whether or not you are feeling skin or lig burn while stretching downwards is to do a BTC or SD stretch (SD would probably be better in this case) and see if you have a fair amount of slack in the skin around the base.

New to the place? Start here.

This is me in case you ever want to know what kind of psycho you're dealing with.

You will stretch skin invariably in the beginning anyway, correct?

Not necessarily. Some people have skin that is naturally looser than others. If someone has just lost a decent amount of weight, they would almost assuredly have enough slack that they wouldn’t pull any skin. Also, intake of certain vitamins (such as vitamin A - retinol), makes the skin tighter, so someone with a low intake of these vitamins in their diet would probably have loose skin as well. I didn’t stretch any skin in the beginning myself.

New to the place? Start here.

This is me in case you ever want to know what kind of psycho you're dealing with.

Interesting. Thanks for answering.

Hey again, reading this post, I recognise another problem that my hubby has said, he has very tight skin, and it makes the head of his penis smaller because of this, is there anyway he could make it easier to pull the skin back when erect? thank you

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