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testosteron & my experience


testosteron & my experience

hello bro`s!

I wasn´t in for a long time because of an accident and the following hospitalization for abourt eleven weeks. There were couple of problems with my testacles (actually squeeched in and swollen a large) due to the car bash besides one bone break. Besides a lot of pain killers & antibiotics one of the medicines used was massage with a gel called testogel containing 25 mg & ten injections of major-testosterone-base containing 25 mg each. Actually in the hospital itself i noticed a tremendous streching feeling in my penis and the testacles got back to the normality. I noticed a change of about 4 cm in the erection as well.
Now back home and doing my PE routine of 5 times a week & two days off, i am noticing that the gains have remained ( for about two months now ) even thoug I am out of testosterone since my dehospitalization. My size before that was 12.5 cm it has gone up to 16.5 cm. The has remained unchanged. I am seriously wondering about it. Can anybody advise please.
Is it advisible to contact my doc to get the gel again, it is possible here in Germany, I heard.
Thanks for your comments.

I’m not sure I fully understand what you are saying. Are you saying that you used testogel on your testicles and testosterone suspension injection which grew your penis by 4cm without PE at the time? (but maintened it with PE after leaving hospital). Can I also ask your age as it may be relevant?

There is always a way of getting the things you are looking for if you persist, but I’d just like to make sure I understand you correctly before answering.



Hi Shiver, thanks for the reply & your interest.

The testogel was applied besides the injections for a better recovery of ( so I understood the medical staff in the hospital ) my testicles. I started PE-ing as soon as I came out of the hospital. I did PE though but very slightly ( in the masturbational way for about 10 min. in the hospital. My normal PE routine is of about 40 min, a break of 10 min and again 20 min. I wash myself before, after & during the break with hot-water-cloath. I am going to turn 38 yrs ( old fella!).

As a small kid in India ( my original place ) i was operated for hydrosil ( I hope it is written properly) at the age of 10 years. The development of penis was very minor. I was about 10 cm in December 03, as I chanced upon this forum, read a lot as a guest and started PE. I achieved 12.5 cm by June 04, before my accident.

One more thing to tell you, my erections are the greatest ones since I am out of hospital, the sex very satisfactory. I need a longer though to come than before, the erection remains for about 5 min after the ejaculation.

This whole testosterone thing is very interesting, especially topical application part. I’ve read somewhere before, this might as well been on this forum, that people tried it and it brought no gains, but telling the truth if I had that gel, I would definitely give it a try.

I’ve used testosterone without noticing any change.

I’m not sure what hydrosil is, so can’t comment on that part.

It sounds like your particular case could be a little different to the norm, in that you possibly may have had little tesosterone previously, and so still have androgen sensitivity (like back in mid-pubertal days?). That’s a wild guess and obviously can’t recommend anything, but personally I’d positively run to the doctors and request a continuation of the previous therapy for as long as it provided benefit.

The only thing that sounds odd is that they used testosterone to get the testicles back to normal. Normally exogenous testosterone would be supressive. Perhaps if they felt that the testicles wouldn’t be too efficent when recovering, they might decide to supplement testosterone for the short term. If that’s the case then I can imagine the doctor being reluctant to prescribe it any further, in which case you’d have to find someone who understands your goals.

Hi Shiver,

hydrosil (or may be hydrocil ) operation was done because of the water-building & swollenness in my left testicle I remember.

As I was talking to the medical staff in the hospital, they actually said the same thing about the recovery of the testicles and I traslate you from german “a due revival” of my penis. I am actually going thru the hospital papers: Testosteron injection was given normally in the morning about 10:00 and they gave me moderate injectional dose igf 1 in the eveing at about 19:00 ( I dont know what it is, to be frank to you, and also never cared about it). Both the injections were 10 times and the gel was applied every day as well around 13:00.

There is one more change i am noticing, my body is getting muscular, and i am always in the good mood.

What do you think they treated me with! Thanks

I think he means hydro seal (fluid in the nut sack)and as far as the T treatments are concerned. I have used Androgel and I can tell you that I have harder erections but initially I got very aggravated at the smallest of things and would bitch and moan over nothing. I still use it because I already own it and can get it reasonably but I dont know about the gains.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

I was dosing T @ 500mg a pop, and saw no change. I did measure.

goanindigo, there are excessive threads about the effect of androgel applied to the penis. Did they apply the androgel onto the penis or on the nutsack? I have to say, the muscle growth is the most likely effect of supplemental testorone. But already the ‘good mood’ thing is surprising me. As 789 is mentioning, testosterone tends to make you more aggressive, short tempered… it’s also called the Roid Rage. Still I believe you and your very unusual story. It might be that it could give us new ideas how to utilise hormonal treatment for PE - since now we didn’t found a way, as you can read from the aforementioned androgel-thread. Keep us posted and try to add some more information. Did you tell us your age yet? How was your overall body development, does your beard grow, did you develop a deeper voice in puberty etc. ? I am also located in Germany, and sure there are ways to get androgel over here. I have a few links to internet stores selling steroids and stuff… later ;)

...not buried yet, another 5" ahead!

KPR 0.072 @ Dec. 4, 2003

LBorn, Goanindigo said earlier he is 38y/o.

Goanindigo, I just googled Hydrocil and it seems to be a laxative. If so then I think we might be able to rule that one out.

I take it that the nut condition was only since the accident and not life long? If it is only since the accident did they start to treat you right away or was it some time after (more than a few weeks at least)? Like LBorn asks, it would be useful to know if before this treatment, whether all other secondary sexual characteristics were normal. I think I might be getting a handle on this but don’t want to say too much unless I can be sure I’ve got my facts in order.

As for feeling good, that sounds great! In all the roid rage debates, the best I could ascertain is that it gives you a feel good high confidence focussed condition. If someones core personality is to be a jerk, then they will likely be more of one. Much like alcohol doesn’t make benign people violent, it just allows repressed violent people to be violent.

Originally Posted by goanindigo
hello bro`s!

I wasn´t in for a long time because of an accident and the following hospitalization for abourt eleven weeks. There were couple of problems with my testacles (actually squeeched in and swollen a large) due to the car bash besides one bone break. Besides a lot of pain killers & antibiotics one of the medicines used was massage with a gel called testogel containing 25 mg & ten injections of major-testosterone-base containing 25 mg each. Actually in the hospital itself i noticed a tremendous streching feeling in my penis and the testacles got back to the normality. I noticed a change of about 4 cm in the erection as well.
Now back home and doing my PE routine of 5 times a week & two days off, i am noticing that the gains have remained ( for about two months now ) even thoug I am out of testosterone since my dehospitalization. My size before that was 12.5 cm it has gone up to 16.5 cm. The has remained unchanged. I am seriously wondering about it. Can anybody advise please.
Is it advisible to contact my doc to get the gel again, it is possible here in Germany, I heard.
Thanks for your comments.

Thank you very much for sharing your story with us and I hope you make a full recovery. Some of us are very familiar with the compounds used in your treatment. Would you mind telling us how much IGF-1 you were injected with as well as answering Shiver’s questions. I think we might be able to learn a lot about PE from your experience.

Hydrocele . This condition would not have been related to penis size nor have any bearing on your condition after the recent accident.

Originally Posted by westla90069
Hydrocele . This condition would not have been related to penis size nor have any bearing on your condition after the recent accident.

Ah, that seems more fitting.

TESTO*HGH*I got an answer!!!


Couple of days back, I started a thread about my operation on penis & testacles due to an accident. As i am in the sales job, i couldn´t get back to you guys. In the meantime i had been to what they call it- Reha, here for a week and had thus time to talk to the surgeon & the urologist. Here is what they said:

1. I was given 10 injections of testosteron over 10 weeks as well as 10 injections of a stuff called humatrop (Lilly) over the same period. Humatrop consists IGF-1.
2. I was rubbed with testogel (25mg) daily over the shoulders after the shower.
3. My penis & testacles were masssaged for 10 minutes with a tubed gel called diabetidem of the same period i.e. 10 weeks once a day after the evening wash.
4. My diet mainly consisted L-Argitine diary.
4. Plus a lot of zink in form of cacao & eggs.

What do you think of it?!

The penis & testicles massage seems nice.

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