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My experience with Ballooning

My experience with Ballooning

I have just started ballooning today and I have had a positive experience. At the end of my session I was .5 inch longer. I did not ejaculate at the end because I didnt know if I was sopposed to. But later in the day I got hard again and it was the same size as it was at the end of the ballooning session. I have a few qeustions. Are you allowed to stimulate yourself so you stay hard? Is it necessary to ejaculate at the end? Also is it necessary to only balloon when you get a “spontanues” erection meaning you have free testosterone or can you stimulate yourself to erection at the start?

Oh and I ballooned for appoximately 1 hour and 20 minutes. I stimulated myself through the whole time watching porno and didnt ejaculate. Did I do this right, but even if I didnt it worked somehow.

September 2004: BPEL=5.75 in. NBPEL=5.25 in. EG=4.75 in. July 2005: BPEL=6.5 in. NBPEL=6 in. EG=havent checked yet .75 in gain in both BP and NBP Erect Length over the course of 10 months of "once in a while" stretching.

Is ballooning where you rub the top side of your erection, only at the base, for a long period of time, at close to orgasm?

Where did you get the ballooning instructions from?

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Yes, I am curious on how exactly you ballooned as well..

Can you vividly describe your experience?

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"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

I’ve been just bending over and blowing up my pisshole. Am I doing it incorrectly?

Sometimes I feel pressure in my abdomen or my eyes bulge. Dr. Lin says that with enough pressure, brain fluid miraculously transforms into fart gas, so I guess that explains the extra flatulence I’ve experienced using this technique. I really should buy his Weed #7 extract to help prevent this transformation. Wasting too much brain fluid could cause injury.

All I did was stimulate myself untill erection with some porno then keep stimulating myself throught the whole entire time making sure never to go soft. I would do kegels throughout, reverse kegels with lower abdomen, and erect stretches-left,right, and down. Always making sure not to go soft. After the hour point the pressure was so intense it was almost like a pain, but not a pain, other ballooners I think would know about this. At the end I did not ejaculate. I got this from but did not follow it exactly. The instructions on the site are a bit confusing and complicated, so I just plain and simple got and erection and held it. I think that as long as your feeling intense pressure in your penis and throughout that area that your doing it right.

September 2004: BPEL=5.75 in. NBPEL=5.25 in. EG=4.75 in. July 2005: BPEL=6.5 in. NBPEL=6 in. EG=havent checked yet .75 in gain in both BP and NBP Erect Length over the course of 10 months of "once in a while" stretching.

Dr.Lin is the creator of the ballooning program and I am not so sure if it results in permanant gains as he claims though. He advocates buying pills inorder to maximise and quicken the gains. The theory behind his reasoning sounds plausible, but anything can be made to sound plausable if you have a degree or two in human biology. It just so happens that he will sell you the pills he advocates.

I have used some of his free information to allow me to last hours without cumming, whilst not needing to stop stimulation at any point and he clearly knows a few secrets of chinese taoist sexual mastery along with western human biology, however I am not so sure about the information he gives when he advocates you buy pills or products off of him.

Bod-e-builder, you will have to let us know whether you make permanent gains from doing ballooning. If you do any other exercises to enlarge your penis at the same time, ballooning won’t be proven possible if you make permanent gains in that time. Are you going to do ballooning on it’s own?

“While the penis is erect, begin massaging the penile shaft, footing, and base, pubis, groins, and scrotum to increase the blood flow. By holding back the ejaculation you will start to accelerate the metabolization of testosterone. All the while, you must hold back on ejaculation – at least 3-5 times. Then you will be free to release.”………….

“Dedication is key to success for this natural penis enlargement technique. People who have practiced this consistently have claimed to balloon their penis anywhere from 1-3 inches.”

Dr.Lin has said at actionlove.con, that ballooning can be done without testosterone precursor pills, yet at a slower rate. The pills sold are herbal, with things like ginseng and tribulus in. If you are a bodybuilder already taking tribulus for strength gains, then try ballooning, as you will have lots of free testosterone to allow ballooning to work well, if it does actually work. Ginseng is cheap stuff to buy. You could try ballooning without the use of pills if you like, but I do not reccomend buying pills at inflated prices off of Dr.Lin, just for ballooning.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Last edited by Gottagrow : 04-11-2004 at .

Dr Lin is a bigger quack than Howard the Duck and ballooning as a PE method is as big a flop.

I forget what he’s a doctor of but its not medicine, his whole site is a fairly elaborate con aimed at those unwilling or unable to do their own research and easily bamboozled by long words used out of context.

Lin may know something about Taoist methods. Some seem to learn how to have multiple male orgasms and to last longer from him. He does not know human physiology or biology. He has a Ph.D. in civil engineering. He builds bridges. He seems to know lots of medical/physiology words and strings them together to sound like he’s onto some important theory. Don’t believe it though. The things he says are his own fantasies about how the body works.

Within the next week I’ll post some examples from his many sites (,,,,,,, etc.) explaining why the things he says are either wrong, misleading, or use faulty logic to come to conclusions.

I will be doing ballooning alone for the past week or two because of an injury, kinda. I have a rash on my penis so I cant really stretch or jelq untill its gone. So I will balloon untill its gone. I have dry skin problems sometimes.

September 2004: BPEL=5.75 in. NBPEL=5.25 in. EG=4.75 in. July 2005: BPEL=6.5 in. NBPEL=6 in. EG=havent checked yet .75 in gain in both BP and NBP Erect Length over the course of 10 months of "once in a while" stretching.

What’s your injury?

>I have dry skin problems sometimes.<

I always used a good moisturising cream, constant warm wraps takes a toll on the oils in the skin of the penis.

I tend to agree that Lin is probably a con man. He probably stole some taoist methods from some good books, which actually work and mixed them with a load of his own nonsense to sell his pills.

Some of the information is very useful because it probably comes from a legitimate taoist source, but I doubt any of the advise involving buying any of his products is useful information.

I know that I have succeeded in lasting for hours when I need to, by using some of the free information on In the section called sexual kungfu, or sexual chikong. But he probably stole the method from a taoist book or knows a friend or family member into taoism, as he is of chinese American origin, I think.

If you want to try ballooning and you say it works, atleast temporarily, keep doing it, but do not be fooled into buying anything from any of Lin’s sites. He is almost certainly a con man.

If you look at the questions people have supposedly written into him, he advocates using the same pills for almost every single type of ailment. I’m sorry but that is just bullshit. He has only a very small range of pills and creams and he makes out as if every ailment in the body is easily fixed by just taking his pills. Laughable. It’s a shame, because some of the information, that he probably stole off a reputable source, is valuable but it’s been ruined by blending it with crap, until you don’t know what’s what, and you waste your hard earned money.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Last edited by Gottagrow : 04-11-2004 at .

I want to try balloning, but I just can’t get past the HORRIBLE (I can’t stress this enough) layout of his site, or his HORRIBLE (I stress this one even more than before) english — for here on referred to as “changrish”.

You might as well ask boomhower (sp? — the guy from king of the hill) about PE.

I picked up some girth by doing something similar: staying expanded as much as possible by edging with a cock ring on, wrapping for girth, some pumping, etc. Nothing intense, but long duration, as in hours every day.

Why not just wear a cock ring and stay hard? Try it. The ring will make your erection bigger than normal. Edge (come close to orgasm) occasionally. If done consistently, gains are possible if your dick is sufficiently deconditioned to begin with.

Its not complete bull, gains are possible using this and similar methods.

Nobody said ballooning was bull, I just said that using the same pills to heal all sexual ailments is bull.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

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