Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The best PE warmup is infrared!!!


Originally Posted by THETHUNDER
Hey shadow,

Good post man. Thanks for your efforts. Do me a big favor though, upload your photos to the forum in another post. That way the pictures won’t disappear in the future and leave a hole in your review.

Originally Posted by shadow_cruiser
Those pics will never be removed from that server, so its ok.

4 months later, they are gone…

Boy, Thunder really does know all! ;)

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Just an update for you guys. I had to remove the IR lamp a few days ago because I just moved in with my girlfriend and she doesn’t know about my PE. The IR lamp was awesome while it lasted. Maybe my progression can vouch for that, check my sig. I’m not using a shower warm up with rice sock.

Remek - The pictures work fine for me.

Start of PE Mar. 01,2005 5.5" BPEL 5.0" EL 4.5" EG Current as of June. 01,2005 6.25" BPEL 5.75" EL 4.75" EG

Shadow.I JUST started my PE routine. Can you tell me what routine you use? I’m thinking about getting an IR lamp and trying it. Any adverse side-effects?

Good post shadow_cruiser. I wish that I had my own PE room. So jelous.

Start Date: April '05 Starting BPEL: 6.75", EG: 5.25 New measurement : June '05 BPEL: 7.00" EG: 5.5 Give me an inch and I will take a mile!

perfectsmuguy - I started out with a little modified version of the newbie routine :

Week One:
1 minute warmup through the IR lamp
10 min manual stretch (ten 60-second stretches)
10 min of jelq (two hundred 3-second strokes). Jelq is at 30-40% erection
I never did kegels nor a ending warmup.
Schedule: 2 days ON / 1 day OFF

Week Two:
1 minute warmup through the IR lamp
15 min manual stretch (ten 60-second stretches)
10 min of jelq (two hundred 3-second strokes). Jelq is at 30-40% erection
I never did kegels nor a ending warmup.
Schedule: 2 days ON / 1 day OFF

Week Three to Four:
1 minute warmup through the IR lamp
20 min manual stretch (ten 60-second stretches). 10 min of the stretches were BTC
15 min of jelq (two hundred 3-second strokes). Jelq is at 30-40% erection for 7 minutes. Jelq is at 50-60% erection for 7 minutes
I never did kegels nor a ending warmup.
Schedule: 2 days ON / 1 day OFF

Week Five to Eight:
1 minute warmup through the IR lamp
30 min manual stretch (ten 60-second stretches). 20 min of the stretches were BTC
20 min of jelq (two hundred 3-second strokes).Jelq is at 30-40% erection for 10 minutes. Jelq is at 50-60% erection for 10 minutes
I never did kegels nor a ending warmup.
Schedule: 1 day ON / 1 day OFF

Week Eight to Twelve:
1 minute warmup through the IR lamp
30 min manual stretch (ten 60-second stretches). 20 min of the stretches were BTC
30 min of jelq (two hundred 3-second strokes).Jelq is at 30-40% erection for 20 minutes. Jelq is at 50-60% erection for 10 minutes
I never did kegels nor a ending warmup.
Schedule: 1 day ON / 1 day OFF

I have just constructed a Captain’s(thanks CAP:) ) Wench and will include hanging into my routine.

If there are any side-effects, its not visible. My semen accumulation is larger now also. Not sure why.

Longman - That room was great. There’s a lock on the door and nice stereo in there. Unfortunately, its at my parents place which I’m at only on the weekends now.

Start of PE Mar. 01,2005 5.5" BPEL 5.0" EL 4.5" EG Current as of June. 01,2005 6.25" BPEL 5.75" EL 4.75" EG

Great thread ! I have an IR lamp sitting in the attic collecting dust !! Time to go up there and fish it out :)

I have heard some good things from pe’ers about the infra lamp, but I can say it does not work for me. When I bought one and used it, the heat was great, but after the work out and the re-heat, for some strange reason my cock seem to draw up tight as if it were cold as hell out side, and this lasted for a few days. It took a few days to recover, I have not used it again and this has not happened again. Can’t explain it.


I have been asked to post this reply on the Newbie forum regarding warm-up. I find that a practical and quick way for warm-up is by using a hairdryer for five minutes. I thought to share this idea with you all.

Used the IR lamp for my session yesterday. I think it greatly enhanced the quality of my jelq session :D

Havent checked but Im pretty sure its using a 150watt bulb in there. I must tell you it felt like I had recieved an answer from god or somethign because it completely takes out the hassle of me spending 45 mins in the shower running loads of water !

As a precaution I wore my boxers and just let my unit hang out of the opening so that the testicles weren’t getting cooked in the process. I heated for a few mins, switched off, did some stretches, turned on the light again for a minute and then started my jelqing.

If using IR to warmup does not pose a problem for me, I might switch to this FULLTIME. Anybody out there who feels IR is harmful in ay sort of way? Long run, short run, re-production function etc etc ? Please I need your opinions !

Originally Posted by shadow_cruiser
I had to remove the IR lamp a few days ago because I just moved in with my girlfriend and she doesn’t know about my PE. The IR lamp was awesome while it lasted. I’m not using a shower warm up with rice sock.

So, if you could choose, would it be IR lamp all the way?

Anyone else want to rate how much better this is than other methods?

Right now I use rice sock, but the idea of having CONTINUAL heat appeals to me…


My Before and After pics -- .5" gain...

I bought the lamp (150 Watt).

I used a few times but now I’m afraid …

  • the bulb surface gets very, very hot, should it explode, what about my dick?
  • I saw a thread reporting bad things when using IR with lube
Scary pic: spots.jpg
Scary Thread: Clamping with IR light, skin disaster!

-- Wiz How many "free willing" partners/year when not in long relationship?

After 4 months on, 5 months off, BPEL x EG: 7.3\'\' x 4.6\'\'

Starting Stats, April 2005, BPEL x EG: 7.0\'\' x 4.3\'\'

The only the only thing I could see being damaging to your genitals is prolonged exposure to heat. Infrared has been proven to be harmless and in fact beneficial in many ways to the human body.

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::
This excerpt is referring to using both low and high frequency IR simultaneously..

1. Increase circulation by increasing the formation of new capillaries, which are additional blood vessels that replace damaged ones. New capillaries speed up the healing process by carrying more oxygen as well as more nutrients needed for healing and they can also carry more waste products away.

2. Stimulate the production of collagen. Collagen is the most common protein found in the body. Collagen is the essential protein used to repair damaged tissue and to replace old tissue. It is the substance that holds cells together and has a high degree of elasticity. By increasing collagen production less scar tissue is formed at the damaged site.

3. Increase RNA and DNA synthesis. This helps damaged cells to be replaced more promptly.

4. Stimulate fibroblastic activity which aids in the repair process. Fibroblasts are present in connective tissue and are capable of forming collagen fibers.

5. Stimulate tissue granulation and connective tissue projections, which are part of the healing process of wounds, ulcers or inflamed tissue.

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Laptop computers lower sperm counts and increase infertility risk for men
11 Dec 2004

Men and teenage boys should think twice before placing a laptop computer on their laps as they can lower sperm counts and reduce your chances of fathering a child. If you are male, thinking about having a family, or even a decade away from planning a family, you may be better off placing your laptop on a desk.

The increasing popularity of laptop computers (LC), coupled with existing evidence that elevated scrotal temperature can result in sperm damage, prompted researchers from the State University of New York at Stony Brook to undertake the first study into the effect of heat from LC on scrotal temperature.

The findings are reported in Europe’s leading reproductive medicine journal Human Reproduction[1]. They show that using an LC on the lap increased the left scrotal temperature by a median 2.6°C and the right by a median 2.8°C. Several previous studies have shown that increases in testicular or scrotal temperatures of between 1°C and 2.9°C are associated with a sustained and considerable negative effect on spermatogenesis and fertility.

Lead researcher Dr Yefim Sheynkin, Associate Professor of Urology and Director, Male Infertility and Microsurgery at the University, said: “By 2005, there will be 60 million laptop computers in use in the USA and a predicted 150 million worldwide. Continued improvements in power, size and price of LC have favoured their increased use in younger people and laptop sales now exceed those of desktop computers.”

With the exception of an anecdotal report of genital burns, the effect of portable computers on scrotal temperature when they are used on the lap was not known, he said.

“Laptops can reach internal operating temperatures of over 70°C. They are frequently positioned close to the scrotum, and as well as being capable of producing direct local heat, they require the user to sit with his thighs close together to balance the machine, which traps the scrotum between the thighs.”

The researchers worked with 29 healthy volunteers aged 21 to 35, measuring scrotal temperatures with and without laptops. Two one-hour sessions of scrotal temperature measurements were performed on different days in the same room with a median room temperature of 22.28°C. The men were dressed in the same casual clothing for each session and sessions with and without LC were conducted at the same time of the day. Body temperature was taken by mouth beforehand and each volunteer spent 15 minutes standing in the room to adjust to room temperature before being seated. A non-working LC was placed on the lap so that the volunteer could adopt the right position to balance the laptop, then removed, and the seating position held for one hour, with scrotal temperature being measured every three minutes. The same procedure was repeated for one hour, with the same baselines controls, but this time with a working laptop. The temperature of the bottom surface of the LC was also measured at intervals.

“We found that scrotal temperatures rose by 2.1°C when the men sat with their thighs together, which is necessary to keep LC on the lap. But, the rise was significantly higher when the LC were used - 2.8°C on the right side and 2.6°C on the left,” said Sheynkinkin. ” It shows that scrothyperthermiamia is produced by both special body posture and local heating effect of LC.”

The median surface temperature of Pentium 4 computers used increased from nearly 31°C at the start of the experiment to nearly 40°C after one hour.

Dr Sheynkin said: “The body needs to maintain a proper testicular temperature for normal sperm production and development (spermatogenesis). Portable computers in a laptop position produce scrotal hyperthermia by both the direct heating effect of the computer and the sitting position necessary to balance the computer. The magnitude of scrotal hyperthermia associated with abnormal spermatogenesis is unclear. But, previous studies suggest that 1°C above the baseline is the possible minimal thermal gradient capable of inhibiting spermatogenesis and sperm concentration may be decreased by 40% per 1°C increment of median daytime scrotal temperature.

“We don’t know the exact frequency and time of heat exposure capable of producing reversible or irreversible changes in spermatogenesis. Studies have shown significant but reversible changes after short-term heating. However, LC produce significant repetitive transient scrotal hyperthermia for years, and insufficient recovery time between heat exposures may cause irreversible or partially reversible changes in male reproductive function.”

Dr Sheynkin said his team now planned further studies to evaluate the heating effect of LC on testicular function and sperm parameters. For now, he did not know an exact time for safe use. However, their study showed that within the first 15 minutes of use scrotal temperatures increased by 1°C, so it did not take long to reach a point that may affect testicular function. Also, frequent use may cause intermittent temperature rises, which could significantly increase a single heating effect.

“Until further studies provide more information on this type of thermal exposure”, he said, “teenage boys and young men may consider limiting their use of LC on their laps, as long-term use may have a detrimental effect on their reproductive health.”

Dr Sheynkin added that two LC brands were tested randomly to avoid criticism that brands may differ. “All laptop computers generate significant heat due to the increasing power requirements of computer chips. New laptops with higher power requirements may produce even more heat. So far, computer fans and ‘heat sinks’ are not sufficient. It’s possible that external protective devices could somewhat help, but it is essential to confirm their protective effect in a clinical study to prevent commercial advertising and use of inefficient and useless products.” (ends)


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