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The Nubian Squeeze


The Nubian Squeeze

I was recently working near Abu Simbel (Southern Egypt in the vicinity of Nasser Dam) for a couple of weeks and thus came in close contact with the local people called nubians. These are basically from Sudan and are presumably arabic origin.

They told me of an age old practice:

At about the age of 12 (this continue till the age of 16-17 years) either fahter or the elder brother sits (rahter squat) in front of the boys vis a vis and a particular practice is gone through daily-

For about an half hour daily after the first morning prayer father/ elderly brother squeezes his cock from the base of the shaft till the top by pulling back the foreskin. The same movement - very tight & very slow - is then taken then back to the base of the cock.

After the routine is through, a mearge breakfast consisting of maca bread ginckboa fruits is taken.

From that what I could see through the loin clothes amongst the people, they really have laaarge flaccid cocks.

My coworker said that, this practice is ancient. The cock is hold very tightly- either in an o grip, or between the thumb and the forefinger or taken into the whole hand, the movements are slow and very cincentrated.


So how did this topic of conversation come up?

Goandingo says: “Hi there, you have a rather large cock”
Nubian guy says: “Thank you sir I’m flattered”
Goandingo says: “Did your father pull you off while you we’re young by any chance?”
Nubian guy says: “.actually, my brother did.”

Sorry not being rude or anything I’m just in a silly mood :D

Actually I think it went like this:

Nubian guy says: “Yo, Goandingo, you know us middle east folks have the biggest cocks on the planet, right?”
Goandingo says: “Ummm, that’s what I hear.”
Nubian guy says: “And you white boys are pretty small, but your a nice guy, so here’s our secret…”

Started 10/1/04 Approaching 7x5, Going for 8x6

It’s a good day for new exercises we have the Nubian Squeeze and the Snifter grip

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Goandingo; Hi, is that maca bread your eating there friend?
Nubian; Ya, it’s for growing giant cock
Goandingo; I to grow cock, what method do you use friend?
Nubian; I squeeze very hard, then I teach small children to pull on their cocks as well
Goandingo; Well that sounds swell. You guys must be quite large.

Just at that moment civil services shows up and arrest the whole lot of them for child molestation!

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


Nice one.

Call me a prude, but I’d rather have a below average size cock than get a hand job from my dad every morning before school.

“Well Dad, I’m all grown up and off to college now - I’m going to miss the way you jerked me off every morning while I rummaged through the Lucky Charms for the free shamrock whistle-ring. No, no need for a hug - but would it be okay if I send the bill for my anti-psychotic meds in your direction until I’m on my feet? I’d say give Mom my love but that’s getting just a little too familiar for good taste….”

Nubian Shmubian. We have guys here in America who do that also -

they’re called Little League coaches, Cub Scout masters, etc.

Just the other day someone asked, “Hey Rams, is that a ginckboa fruit in your pocket?”

I said, “No, it’s my big dick.”

He said, “Oh, I thought it was a ginckboa fruit.”

I said, “I don’t even know what the fuck a ginckboa fruit looks like.”

He said, “Me neither.”

I said, “You’re a real fucking idiot, you know that?”

He said, “Yeah, I hear that a lot.”

Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgh! ~Howard Dean Illustrations & Diagrams PE -- What's it all about? Read this.

Originally Posted by wadz
Nubian Shmubian. We have guys here in America who do that also -
they’re called Little League coaches, Cub Scout masters, etc.

…Catholic priests, famous pop stars,…

Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgh! ~Howard Dean Illustrations & Diagrams PE -- What's it all about? Read this.

very hilarious !!!!

Hey, just to clarify for you: “Nubian” refers to the people of Upper Egypt, now known as Ethiopia. Nubian tribe is not of “Arabic” descent. I know this is off topic, but my heritage is Nubian, so i just wanted to drop my two cents in!!

Arabs especially those mixed with Africans from Sudan are said to have above average sized penises. Doesn’t this story just support the myth about the history of jelqing and how it originates from the arab world? I thought it was a myth though Goanindigo, if your story is true you have verified the history of jelqing. It could be that it originated in Africa, then went to Arab world, or vice versa. Arab world encompasses Africa nowadays anyways so when you say Arab it can mean Africa.

Perhaps you should actually get a peek under the loin cloths or perform an average penis size survey while you are there :)

BEFORE 5.75 EL 4.8 EG Vagina Length Database

NOW 32yrs old 8.5 BPSL 7.75 BPEL 5.5-5.75-6.25* upper/mid/base EG 5.0 BPFL glans tip 5.0 FG shaft Hang, Stretch, Jelq, Pump, Clamp

Goal 8.0 EL 6.0 EG Asian - Thai 5' 10" uncircumcised

Originally Posted by Ramrod
Just the other day someone asked, “Hey Rams, is that a ginckboa fruit in your pocket?”
I said, “No, it’s my big dick.”
He said, “Oh, I thought it was a ginckboa fruit.”
I said, “I don’t even know what the fuck a ginckboa fruit looks like.”
He said, “Me neither.”
I said, “You’re a real fucking idiot, you know that?”
He said, “Yeah, I hear that a lot.”

:rolling: I spit bagel everywhere on that one…..LOL!!!


Q: What was the Nubian father’s favorite Beatles song?
A: Here Comes the Son.

Q: Why did the Nubian man finally settle down into marriage?
A: He felt the irresistable pull of fatherhood.

Q: What is the most popular Nubian name for boys?
A: Jackson.

Q: What did the young Nubian say when he got a severe case of blue balls?
A: I think I’m going to pop.

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