How long do you hold the Horse 440 squeeze?
Hey all,
I started doing the Horse 440’s a few months back and I think within the first 2 mos. I gained about 1/4” in girth, which needless to say, I was ecstatic. Was hoping I could maintain that pace, but unfortunately I’ve seen very little growth over the past 2-3 mos.
My routine has been what was described in the original instructions:
1) Kegel blood into the penis
2) Grip with an OK sign and squeeze at the base
2) Slip the other hand in down over the head, forcing blood into the shaft.
3) Hold for 10 sec.
Recently I’ve upped the hold to 15 seconds. So:
1) Is anyone holding this squeeze for a longer period of time? How long?
2) Have you noticed gains since you starting holding the squeeze longer.