Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Thinking about starting up again, how can I keep on track

Thinking about starting up again, how can I keep on track

I started the newbie routine first time ever back march 15th. I kept on consistent for about 3 weeks. Now looking back I could have been almost 2 months in which upsets me. I’m planning on starting up again what can I do to keep myself on track this time? Thanks.

Stats for the hell of it.

Erect length 5 inches
Erect girth 4.5 inches

Pretty satisfied right now with girth would ultimately like to get to 6 inches length.

Are you looking for motivation or a routine?

Originally Posted by mudbud
Are you looking for motivation or a routine?

I’m going to be using the newbie routine posted at the top. I was just wondering if there was anything I can do to just make myself stay on track and not quit again

For myself I find the results to be motivation in itself. I think that’s why not everybody is running around with BPEL 10” because it does take a large amount of commitment and determination.

Try rewarding yourself with something every time you finish your routine. Also when watching porn see the porn stars with penis’s twice as big as yours and think in half a year or so that could be you or at least close. Alternately in half a year you can still be the same.

Sometimes I know it can be a chore but in the end if you put in the effort the results will show and it will all have been worth it.

I think a lot of people come here with insecurity issues then look at the results of some people who gained very quickly and become discouraged when they don’t gain as fast. You should set yourself a long term plan and set conservative but reachable goals (1” a year rather than .25” a month). Set up a time-line for yourself each month and stick to it and realized that if you persist you will reach your goals.

Bro if you want to stick with it, don’t get too caught up in it, don’t spend hours a day doing PE or thinking about it, just try to work it in as a daily ritual and very slowly working your way up.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

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