Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Three week PE, I have questions already.

Three week PE, I have questions already.

I heard about PE exercises three weeks ago, and started right away. I use the newbie routine from this site: warm up, stretch, jelq, kegel, warm.
First of all, I’ll deeply thank all the people who make this site be what it is.
I started with 7 BPEL, 5.25 EG
As first goal, I want to get to 5.75 EG, and 8 to 9 BPEL. The girth gain is more important to me than the length gain.

I have these 4 questions (from the most important to the least). I’m sorry that I come up so fast with so many questions. I thank any help.

1) I work it day on day off. I can make sessions of up to 90 minutes, but it would be difficult for me to schedule more days than that (as in the suggested 5/week). Do I loose much of the progress that way?

2) Girth is more important for me than length. And I would like them to grow steadily together rather than length first girth later. How should I aim at that?
I read the manual of this site, and more in the forums. I know the exercises. The ones that are more for girth are usually stated as “not for newbies” for being dangerous, so I don’t do them yet. I looked through the forums, it seems like most people (or at least most newbies) are more interested with length gains. I did find one thread about Orange Bends ( - My Girlfriend said those lovely words…), I read it all and another one about it. People said it’s safe for newbies, because are done flaccid, but they all together didn’t seem totally sure that it works.

3) I gained 0.5 in length, to 7.5 BPEL. But, it came at the base of my penis, as if it all moved forward out of my body - I suppose it’s due to the stretching of ligaments. The problem with it is that my balls sack moved forward with it, already reaches an inch forward (on the bottom side) from where my pubic bone is on the top side. It is not a bad thing, but also, I don’t see it as a good thing - because this part is unusable. I can penetrate only as far as my balls’ sack, especially with a condom on. And it also doesn’t help jelqing, because now if I try to jelq starting right from my pubic bone and move forward, my fingers get caught up in my balls’ sack.
I suppose that means I want to stretch more the tunica and less the ligaments, right? How should I do that?
I read somewhere it’s possible to stretch the balls’ sack too, but mine hangs already. I don’t want it any bigger.

4) I am not interested in my flaccid size, and I don’t care if it changes or not. As it is my flaccid size varies greatly from 5x4 down to 3.5x3 when it’s cold. Yes, it is true. My ex-girlfriend used to joke at that as “the great growth factor” when she would make it grow 3 to 7 in the winter.
Now to the question: I suppose I should keep measures of it to know how it correlates with my erect measures. So when should I measure it? When it’s big flaccid or small flaccid?

As probably most newbies, I don’t surely believe it is really possible for PE to make my dick like I want it (that’s thicker for me). What can I do, since I became aware of penis size I have been conditioned to think it’s invariable. Anyway jelqing sure is fun to do - which is comforting. It gives me intense sensations in my penis that also last all day.
I’m looking forward to the point that I’m convinced it can actually make me thicker.

Hey daje. I’m a newbie too, so I’ll leave most of your questions to the experts that prowl these parts, but I wanted to comment that I think you can gain girth very well. I am second week in and have really just focused on jelqing, not much stretching because I too want to focus on girth. Yesterday I finished a session and noticed how my dick looked really thick to me, so I grabbed the tape and quickly measured. It looked like a 1/8 to 1/4 gain. Now I’m not worried about that being permanent yet or accurate or anything, but I can tell there are some changes. Veins are improving, erections are harder and even waking me up at night sometimes, so I know I’m on the right pate. You can improve your girth. I’m sure of it.

Originally Posted by daje
1) I work it day on day off. I can make sessions of up to 90 minutes, but it would be difficult for me to schedule more days than that (as in the suggested 5/week). Do I loose much of the progress that way?

Consistency is more important than days of the week. You do what you can and do the exercises as well as you can and you end up with the best results that you can achieve. Don’t try to match what others have done. Everyone moves at their own pace and gets the gains they are able to make based on the time they have and how well they do the exercises. Also, don’t be in a hurry. Reading the rest of your questions puts a picture in my mind that you want to get the girth gains you want and you want to get them as soon as possible. Trying to make this go faster usually leads to injury and setback.

2) Girth is more important for me than length. And I would like them to grow steadily together rather than length first girth later. How should I aim at that?
I read the manual of this site, and more in the forums. I know the exercises. The ones that are more for girth are usually stated as “not for newbies” for being dangerous, so I don’t do them yet. I looked through the forums, it seems like most people (or at least most newbies) are more interested with length gains. I did find one thread about Orange Bends ( - My Girlfriend said those lovely words…), I read it all and another one about it. People said it’s safe for newbies, because are done flaccid, but they all together didn’t seem totally sure that it works.

Getting your penis used to being manipulated is one of the more important aspects of the easy-going Newbie Routine. It may seem like it isn’t doing what you want, but one of its main purposes is to ease your dick into more rigorous exercises. You’ve only been at this for three weeks and you’re complaining that you aren’t getting what you want (girth). Patience is needed to avoid injuries. I’ve found clamping to be one of the better things to aid girth gains. After you’ve done the Newbie Routine for six weeks I think you could start clamping. Search (button, top right of every page) “titles only” for “clamping” and you’ll find the two major clamping threads. Start easy, five or 10 minutes only the first time, and work up to two or three 10 minute sessions. That should help increase your girth which, by the way, is above average already.

3) I gained 0.5 in length, to 7.5 BPEL. But, it came at the base of my penis, as if it all moved forward out of my body - I suppose it’s due to the stretching of ligaments. The problem with it is that my balls sack moved forward with it, already reaches an inch forward (on the bottom side) from where my pubic bone is on the top side. It is not a bad thing, but also, I don’t see it as a good thing - because this part is unusable. I can penetrate only as far as my balls’ sack, especially with a condom on. And it also doesn’t help jelqing, because now if I try to jelq starting right from my pubic bone and move forward, my fingers get caught up in my balls’ sack. I suppose that means I want to stretch more the tunica and less the ligaments, right? How should I do that? I read somewhere it’s possible to stretch the balls’ sack too, but mine hangs already. I don’t want it any bigger.

Skin stretching, especially when you’re new to PE, is almost unavoidable. You can concentrate your jelq strokes farther out on the shaft to help avoid additional skin stretch. There are many threads on “turkey neck” and you might find additional guidance by searching for that term (again, limiting searches to “titles only” since that focuses the search on a specific subject rather than the random appearance of the search term in the text of all possible messages).

4) I am not interested in my flaccid size, and I don’t care if it changes or not. As it is my flaccid size varies greatly from 5x4 down to 3.5x3 when it’s cold. Yes, it is true. My ex-girlfriend used to joke at that as “the great growth factor” when she would make it grow 3 to 7 in the winter. Now to the question: I suppose I should keep measures of it to know how it correlates with my erect measures. So when should I measure it? When it’s big flaccid or small flaccid?

If you aren’t interested in flaccid size, don’t measure. It’s not required. Some never see a coordination between flaccid hang and erect size. I’m one of them.

As probably most newbies, I don’t surely believe it is really possible for PE to make my dick like I want it (that’s thicker for me). What can I do, since I became aware of penis size I have been conditioned to think it’s invariable. Anyway jelqing sure is fun to do - which is comforting. It gives me intense sensations in my penis that also last all day. I’m looking forward to the point that I’m convinced it can actually make me thicker.

I guess half an inch in length in three weeks isn’t enough. Keep at it and you’ll soon be convinced. Good luck.

The title search was exactly what I was missing to be able to find things.

Silly me thought I was special with this problem, turkey neck - it actually has a name, and many people have it worse than I do. I’ll do the suggested stretching of the skin of the shaft. Which is holding 2 OK, one right after the turkey neck, and one under the glans, and pulling apart while erect. I think it will give me enough skin.

I read your reply on the day you wrote it, and as I did I knew it would take me some time to fully understand it. Thanks much for the help.
So I did a lot more reading in the forums. I thought about things. Step by step I understood it more.

This is exactly how I feel: I do PE because I want having the gains!! I will be happy to get them sooner than later! I really don’t want to risk injury in order to make it faster!!
This is why it was clear to me that I wasn’t going to do any of the exercises that are "not for newbies". Also is why during the stretches and jelq I would apply force to feel the pressure but no pain.
Although, I did apply force just below what would cause pain. This is maybe/probably (which one is it?) more that I actually need now to make gains. After the reading I did, and time, I came to understand that I should push it exactly enough to make gains with time (even if not soon) but no more than that. It seems to me now that this is what you meant.

I think what mainly made me get that is the issue with the tunica, that more force makes it tougher, which will cause less gains. Did I understand it correctly?
At first I just unconsciously presumed that more force is more effective, as long as there’s no pain (or injury).

BTW, I’ve talked to my girls over the years. It seems that where I live, I am certainly not above average girth. They said I’m in the average range but somewhat below the exact average. I think the average here is around 5.5-5.75
* Now I truly know that this is no scientific research with exact results, but hell what is? Even the Kinsey Report seems rather faulty to me because all quarter inch values (like 4.25 4.75 5.25 5.75) are weaker. Looks like the measurements were not taken correctly or not reported correctly.
* And I also know that I’m just being the 100001st newbie with the small penis delusions here. So you don’t have to tell me that. I truly know. I somewhat needed to share it too.
Thanks so much for the help.

Originally Posted by daje

* Now I truly know that this is no scientific research with exact results, but hell what is? Even the Kinsey Report seems rather faulty to me because all quarter inch values (like 4.25 4.75 5.25 5.75) are weaker. Looks like the measurements were not taken correctly or not reported correctly.

I disagree. I work in quality assurance, and a big part of my job is to measure things accurately and then analyze them statistically. Nothing can be measured perfectly. A titanium bar a foot long can be measured down to the thousandth of an inch, but change the temperature a few degrees and the measurement will change. I crack up when a read a post and someone stated their BPEL as 6.56 inches. There is no way to measure a penis accurately to the hundredth of an inch. Even to accurately measure to the tenth of an inch would be nearly impossible. The Kinsey people obviously had some smart people working for them, and they realized that quarter inch increments were fine enough to be statistically accurate, but course enough to be accurately measurable.

If you’re analyzing means and medians of something, the sample size is more important than the resolution of the measurement system, within reason, of course. Quarter inch resolution for penis measurements is more than accurate enough.

What I meant is that all the measurements with round half inch values (like 4 4.5 5 5.5 6) have higher occurrence than quarter values (like 4.25 4.75 5.25 5.75). That is, when you look at the graph, there’s no stable curve, it’s like a jigsaw, one low one high. But if you look only at the round values you do get a nice curve (and the non-round also give a nice curve but smaller). This probably means that quarter inch was too small for many people to measure and they rounded the numbers to half inches.

OK then I guess it makes the Kinsey Report accurate but only down to half an inch accuracy, not quarter.

Yes, it was self measured and the jigsaw is a result of it. There are more accurately measured studies (though still not definitive). Penis Size: The True Average

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