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Thrombosed vein

Thrombosed vein

I’ve been doing PE for about one month now, and after about 130-140 strokes when I Jelq I invariably get a thrombosed vein on the top of my shaft. I massage it and it goes away, then I start to Jelq again and it comes right back. How gain I avoid getting one? Am I squeezing too hard? Thanks.I really want to keep stroking!

It’s more likely a lymph vessel. Just slow down.

Thombosed veins do not come and go as easily as that. You’re experiencing normal vein enlargement that comes with PE. It happens to almost every guy and comes with the territory. You don’t have to do anything except ignore it.

Originally Posted by westla90069
Thombosed veins do not come and go as easily as that. You’re experiencing normal vein enlargement that comes with PE. It happens to almost every guy and comes with the territory. You don’t have to do anything except ignore it.

Exactly. I’ve realised that a lot of ppl here do not know what a thrombosed vein is.

While doing PE exercises, your veins will get bigger and more visible. That’s something you must expect. If more blood enters/remains in the penis chambers (not only), more blood will then reach the veins, thus making them larger.

No, you’re talking exclusively about the increased capacity of the veins that comes with prolonged PE, but this is not a vein that is engorging but a lymph vessel. I know this because I have this happen often too. So it IS something he has to be careful about, not something to ignore, as otherwise it can block up and then you have to wait a long time before it opens up again. It’s also painful and quite a concern when it happens.

Thanks for trying to help but this is something that you must not have experianced or you would understand. Ask Dangleman about his experiances, as they helped me work out that I didn’t have a throbosed vein but a occluded lymphatic vessel. There just isn’t enough exposure of this occuring on the forums, but plenty of “thrombosed veins” threads, naturally this leads someone to make this assumption.

So hanover try heat treatment, and if it still comes up just do more sets per day rather than one big one that inflames this vessel.

Originally Posted by bam
No, you’re talking exclusively about the increased capacity of the veins that comes with prolonged PE, but this is not a vein that is engorging but a lymph vessel. I know this because I have this happen often too. So it IS something he has to be careful about, not something to ignore, as otherwise it can block up and then you have to wait a long time before it opens up again. It’s also painful and quite a concern when it happens.

Thanks for trying to help but this is something that you must not have experianced or you would understand. Ask Dangleman about his experiances, as they helped me work out that I didn’t have a throbosed vein but a occluded lymphatic vessel. There just isn’t enough exposure of this occuring on the forums, but plenty of “thrombosed veins” threads, naturally this leads someone to make this assumption.

So hanover try heat treatment, and if it still comes up just do more sets per day rather than one big one that inflames this vessel.

I didn’t understand the purpose of your post. I didn’t contradict you and I didn’t say what I think hanover has.

I just said that enlarged veins is something everyone who does PE must expect.

Also, unless you (or your buddy) have any kind of medical knowledge, I don’t think you should be making a diagnosis. I have some medical knowledge (medical student) but still I will not try to guess what hanover has (although I have an idea).

Lymphatic vessel

If I am indeed getting a clogged lymphatic vessel and not a thrombosed vein, how can I avoid getting one? Thanks

It’s my understanding that there are two basic characteristics of a thrombosis: inflammation and pain.



Originally Posted by bam
No, you’re talking exclusively about the increased capacity of the veins that comes with prolonged PE, but this is not a vein that is engorging but a lymph vessel. I know this because I have this happen often too. So it IS something he has to be careful about, not something to ignore, as otherwise it can block up and then you have to wait a long time before it opens up again. It’s also painful and quite a concern when it happens.

Thanks for trying to help but this is something that you must not have experianced or you would understand. Ask Dangleman about his experiances, as they helped me work out that I didn’t have a throbosed vein but a occluded lymphatic vessel. There just isn’t enough exposure of this occuring on the forums, but plenty of “thrombosed veins” threads, naturally this leads someone to make this assumption.

So hanover try heat treatment, and if it still comes up just do more sets per day rather than one big one that inflames this vessel.

I don’t know that lymp vessel problems are more common. Where did you get this info? A (superficial) thrombosed vein is an inappropriate triggering of the blood clotting mechanism (as opposed to appropriate thrombosis which occurs after a cut or wound). It occurs from repeated blows to blood vessels which triggers the clotting cascade inappropriately. Lymph fluid is technically pretty similar to blood, as far as I know. Inflammation and pain is possible, but I believe that is more common for the more serious deep vein thrombosis. As I understand it the hallmarks of inflammation (heat, pain) may not be present.

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

That’s not going to be a thrombosed vein, as others have pointed out. That would be painful, tender, red and would take days or a week or so to settle. You probably wouldn’t want to jelq or anything else until it had settled.

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Examples of sclerosing lymphangitis can be seen here and here (last link on each page). A temporarily blocked lymph channel should be similar in appearance.

There are two sets of lymphatics to the penis, the “superficial” and “deep” lymphatics. The former collect “lymph fluid” from the skin, prepuce and inner lining (“mucosa”) of the urethera, while the latter emerge from the corpus spongiosum and corpus cavernosum. Source

A good rule of thumb is thrombosed veins move with the skin when you slide the skin along the shaft. Lumps that don’t move with the skin are likely from a blocked lymph vessel.

Thanks but it’s not a sclerosis but a partial engorgement of the lymp vessel, either of the vessels to the sides of the dorsal vein. Krtel yes I may have certain medical knowledge, although I’m not a lofty medical student.

Loud and clear Thunder.

Sorry to sound harsh krtel, I’m glad to see we have another person with medical knowledge on the forums. Just didn’t want hanover to have the same injury I had to deal with when I didn’t stop and adjust PE to these symptoms. Hanover my experiance is that you should rest it when this occurs and try to cut back for a while. It’s a limiting factor to your PE routine which may go over time. Good Luck, if you want any more suggestion ask Dangleman who frequents these forums too, as he had an injury involving a lympatic vessel las year I believe.

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