Thunder's is Amazing
I came to this site one week ago and thought what a crazy place. Then by reading messages I started believing that PE is possible and actually thought if given a long time results could happen.
My most accurate measurements starting were 6.00 x 4.75 (so I will use this as my pre PE stats).
Since starting I have done 3 PE Sessions of Stretching (morning) and Jelqing (evening):
Morning: (in the shower)
15x30 second stretches into different directions.
Total time 7.5 minutes each time
Evening: Wet Jelq
About 150 jelqs each time
Total time 7.5 minutes each time
This is a total investment of 45 minutes.
Now here is what I cannot believe. My penis seems to have exploded in flaccid and erect state. The stats I measured: 6.35 x 4.90. That’s an increase of 0.35x.015 in only 45 minutes! I am totally amazed and this would have never been possible without this site. So thank you to everyone who is posting here, sharing information, sharing experiences and sharing advice.
Now I am aware that these are the “easy” Newbie gains that everyone talked about. My question is: How much can be gained in terms of “Newbie gains”? In any case I am totally motivated and confident to be able to hit my goal of 7.00 x 5.50!
To anyone just starting: simply listen to what is being said here. Start with the suggested Newbie routine and results can come very quickly.