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Tissue toughness

Tissue toughness

How does one measure the toughness of the tissue?. Or even, how does one reverse the effect .
I haven’t done much PE there was no gain at all.. Perhaps I’ve strengthen the tunica tendons to much.(applied to much force)

If I had to consider the possible of restarting a new my PE campaign . What would be the step by step guide to properly reverse my bad methods .

Anyhow, really glad to be here, finally at the right place with the right people .

I guess the way you measure toughness is applied force against gains. With no gains that makes the toughness seem potentially infinate.

The standard practise is to decondition and that might require 6 months without PE or longer.

The tunicae and tendons are separate things.

So, 6 months break and then start back with the Newbie Routine or even the Linear Newbie Routine.

That advice is, of course, based on what you’ve said about what you’ve done. It might not apply but to figure that out, you’d have to give us a little more than you think that you’ve strengthened the tissue. Maybe you haven’t done enough. It’s hard to tell in absence of detail.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by humblePE
How does one measure the toughness of the tissue?. Or even, how does one reverse the effect .
I haven’t done much PE there was no gain at all.. Perhaps I’ve strengthen the tunica tendons to much.(applied to much force)

If I had to consider the possible of restarting a new my PE campaign . What would be the step by step guide to properly reverse my bad methods .

Anyhow, really glad to be here, finally at the right place with the right people .

A break can reduce the toughness.

Also it is said that bromide iodine solution (surgical scrub) can break up scar tissue which is incurred over a long history of PE. There is discussion of it on this site.

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