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to get fast gains in flaccid and errect. concerns

to get fast gains in flaccid and errect. concerns

hi ive been doing PE for about 4 days now.
i actually havent mastered all PE workouts and the feeling accompanied with it.
so in a sense i dont know if i am actually feeling pain or just a normal skin-muscle stress.
after doing the pe during the past for days though i didnt notice any pain in my slinky and the most impressive thing is i ve actually gain 1/4 inches.
im really happy with this but is this gain actually normal? i mean in 4 days a 1/4 in increase is quite an increase wouldnt you guys think.

my workout mainly begins with stretching, 20 sec 2-3 set up down left right. then it is followed by jelqing for 20-30 mins. and finally i top it off with stretching again. does this work out seem to intense for a beginner or will i experience drawbacks later on?


Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Hey ju5,

Click this ->Forum Guidelines

are you kidding me?

Nope, No kidding.
Seeing as how our beloved leader types this community announcement thousands of times per year, I will save him typing it this time.:D

Guys, Welcome to Thunder’s Place. Please read the Forum Guidelines with regards Style and Capitalisation. This great forum is read by guys from all over the world, so please help us to help them (and you) and try to use correct grammar as much as is humanly possible. It simply makes the posts easier to read and translate.

It’s not that hard to do. So please try.

As for your question, yes, it is a bit too much for a newbie. 10-15 minutes of jelqing to start off with is more like it and then start increasing your times from there after a week or two. I would also drop that word slinky from my PE vocabulary.

About how many strokes is 15-20 minutes of jelqing?


I’d just focus on getting a full stroke each time, pushing as much blood as you can into your willy, at least 2-3 seconds long, and not worry about counting them. That would drive me crazy!! Good luck, pal.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Ha, I always count no matter what. I think I have some sort of complex because if I don’t count then I go nuts.

Hey, horse. Willy is the much better word. Slinky gives me the willies, so does counting.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes


The 1/4” gain might just be from harder erections, but hey, your willy is still 1/4” more than 4 days ago, so congratulations! ;)

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

If I saw any type of gains in the first 4 days I’d be really grateful.

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