Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Tom Hubbard’s ONE THING newbie challenge

I’ve only measured once since I started back up again a month ago and my measurements are exactly the same as when I quit back in April (6.7” BPEL and 5.1” EG). I measured before the session after my two off days.

I guess pre- and post-session measurements could be a useful instrument on anticipating gains. I’m trying to stay away from the ruler this time though - only measuring once a month hoping to see some significant gains.

Sure hope I can have the same success in the flaccid department as you. That’s primarily what I’m aiming for actually!

Originally Posted by fgtttt
I’m trying to stay away from the ruler this time though - only measuring once a month hoping to see some significant gains.

I’m always amazed at guys who can do that!

Yea, I know what you mean. I measured daily for three months and it drove me crazy in the end. Trying another approach this time around. :)

Good on ya!

I’ve tried the thumb-two fingers pinch pull it felt really well actually. I’m 21 and I get aroused really fast with the OK grip and my hands got tired fast every time. I have read everything on your website, from now on I will do this jelq method until the day I die lol.


Originally Posted by PhantomGG
I’ve tried the thumb-two fingers pinch pull it felt really well actually. I’m 21 and I get aroused really fast with the OK grip and my hands got tired fast every time. I have read everything on your website, from now on I will do this jelq method until the day I die lol.

As ze French zay, eet eez fooking adicteev!

Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!

An interesting idea since the OK grip has been the standard for so long. Considering my PE adventure if just starting, maybe this can give me an early advantage! Thanks Tom.

For me the two hands method on his site feels more comfortable. I’m double jointed so my fingers get really tired easily, so it could be a good tip to some of you. And thanks again Tom, I’m seeing positive indicators. :)

Tom Hubbards ONE THING newbie challenge

There is no experimental evidence drugs or special massage technique can significantly increase the penis, of course, does not exclude the massage can make cell hypertrophy, but not necessarily valid.

Originally Posted by darnell
There is no experimental evidence drugs or special massage technique can significantly increase the penis, of course, does not exclude the massage can make cell hypertrophy, but not necessarily valid.

Unless you count the experimental evidence of hundreds of guys who have posted their stats and photos here over the last thirteen years.

(And perhaps you think I’ve been providing free penis enlargement advice online for over seventeen years as some sort of huge hoax?)

No, what’s not valid is you trolling in this thread. Please go away.

I have been doing PE for a few months on and off and gained close to nothing. So I’m going to give this a try. Just a question, on your site it says we should alternate the pinch and pull ever 10 strokes, so does that mean we are supposed to let go with the hand after the pull and restart with the same hand?

Use the same hand for each exercise .
Inner Pull - 10 times - one hand
Pinch-Pull - 10 times - one hand
Quick Pull - 10 times - one hand .
Kegal before each pull .
This is for one hand .

And yes , restart - same hand .
Dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

Been doing PE for month now after 2 years of lurking. Gained 1/4 inches in that time with the over hand ok grip. Experienced red spots, hard spots in veins and my erections became non existent so I cut back but never felt a good pump. Just started this today and my penis feels amazing. Kind of a tingle after jelqing and it feels worked. Thumb on one side and two fingers on the other and a nice slow pump up making sure my fingers never touch at the bottom. I will do this technique for a month, I’m positive I will get great results.

Welcome to Thunders !
Glad you found Tom’s routine .
When I started using it , I got crazy wood .
Have you had that happen for you ?

Dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

Originally Posted by bloodthorne
Been doing PE for month now after 2 years of lurking. Gained 1/4 inches in that time with the over hand ok grip. Experienced red spots, hard spots in veins and my erections became non existent so I cut back but never felt a good pump. Just started this today and my penis feels amazing. Kind of a tingle after jelqing and it feels worked. Thumb on one side and two fingers on the other and a nice slow pump up making sure my fingers never touch at the bottom. I will do this technique for a month, I’m positive I will get great results.

I hope so!

The problems you describe are all due to the OK grip, which I recommend avoiding.

So, bloodthorne, if this feels amazing, how about taking it to the next level and see what that does for you?


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