Originally Posted by Gettinbig4me
Has anyone had erect gains from this? I’ve been doing this for a couple weeks and my flaccid seems to be bigger but erect is still the same.
OMFG—two whole fucking weeks and you haven’t experienced EL gains??? Will someone please burn this Tom Hubbard poser at the stake? :D
Seriously, Gettinbig4me, I have had startling EL results recently, after 16 years of almost nothing. Temporary? Illusory? We’re all in this together to find out. And it might be that you require a bit more than a couple weeks to find out (but not necessarily much more to see a change). The main thing, for me at least, about the 3-Step Penis Workout, is that it feels good, and is easy to do (no clean up). And if it works—hey!
So, if you can, give it a few weeks more; report back. I am not the “expert” here; you are. Your results (or lack of) define the discussion.