Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Tom Hubbard’s ONE THING newbie challenge

Originally Posted by Gettinbig4me
Has anyone had erect gains from this? I’ve been doing this for a couple weeks and my flaccid seems to be bigger but erect is still the same.

OMFG—two whole fucking weeks and you haven’t experienced EL gains??? Will someone please burn this Tom Hubbard poser at the stake? :D

Seriously, Gettinbig4me, I have had startling EL results recently, after 16 years of almost nothing. Temporary? Illusory? We’re all in this together to find out. And it might be that you require a bit more than a couple weeks to find out (but not necessarily much more to see a change). The main thing, for me at least, about the 3-Step Penis Workout, is that it feels good, and is easy to do (no clean up). And if it works—hey!

So, if you can, give it a few weeks more; report back. I am not the “expert” here; you are. Your results (or lack of) define the discussion.

Wow bud. Thought people were happy on christmas. I said a “couple weeks” which is more like a month at least. I didnt say anything about expecting gains already just wondering if anyone has that has done it longer then me.

Originally Posted by Gettinbig4me

Wow bud. Thought people were happy on christmas. I said a “couple weeks” which is more like a month at least. I didnt say anything about expecting gains already just wondering if anyone has that has done it longer then me.


Way to be a smart ass Tom.

My penis looked awesome after my workout today Tom. Thank you for your contribution!

There's principalities in the whole thing.

Yes, I love this 3- step workout the more days pass.. it’s so easy to do, anywhere were ever you are, thru the day if you like.

My flaccid have change already after just a few weeks, and I can’t imagine how it will look after a couple of months.But it can only be better if you stick to it and don’t rush into things. Just go with the flow and enjoy the journey.. that’s the main thing!

Starting size: 7.48" X 5.51" Currently: 10.1" X 6.4"

Heat is the key!

I like the fact that you can do this while erect. I use very firm pressure on the sides, first 20 reps, alternating 10 reps per hand, on the “inner penis”. Another 20 on the shaft from base to before the head, then 20 pulls with an OK grip just before the head. I use this virtually everyday as well as part of my warm up with an electric heating pad, during the breaks between my pumping routine as well as a cool down. I experience little to no turtling despite keeping the pressure intense throughout my routine.

Originally Posted by mr.lover
Yes, I love this 3- step workout the more days pass.. it’s so easy to do, anywhere were ever you are, thru the day if you like.

My flaccid have change already after just a few weeks

mr. lover, wonder at what point you would say “enough!” to your flaccid length? And at that point, would you imagine stopping the 3-step workout?

Originally Posted by Tom Hubbard
mr. lover, wonder at what point you would say “enough!” to your flaccid length? And at that point, would you imagine stopping the 3-step workout?

Good question tom! I wish I could give you a good answer at that point. I think I wilk try this 3- step workout so long it works for me and give me pleasure.

But as you said in an earlier post. And I do this also because it feels good. And for now it feels very good!
And I think I will continue for a while..
My gf love it and that’s a good sign :-D

Starting size: 7.48" X 5.51" Currently: 10.1" X 6.4"

Heat is the key!

I always thought I have to do the okay sign and use some cream to slide to jelq, but these exercises are really comfortable to do, the okay sign causes also some pain with me, so the C or you sign is really nice for my dick.

The only thing is, that everyone talks about flaccid gains, but not about EG oder EL gains, that are to me most important. So I try this programm and see whether it has effects on “real” growing with me or not :) . But thank´s for your effort with your page and instructions Tom Hubbard.

I’m always bad at interpreting stuff so…

1. Do you kegel in, do the pinch pull movement then release the kegel?
2. When I try the pinch pull movement I’m sliding up the shaft. Am I supposed to actually be pinching an area then pulling without sliding up the shaft at all/much?
3. I see you on your site you say you can do this with an erection but do you like to do them mostly flaccid?

Originally Posted by Normaler
The only thing is, that everyone talks about flaccid gains, but not about EG oder EL gains, that are to me most important. So I try this programm and see whether it has effects on “real” growing with me or not :) . But thank´s for your effort with your page and instructions Tom Hubbard.

Hi Normaler,

Glad you find my instructions useful. I consider your question about flaccid versus EL gains valid and important. After 16 years of virtually no gains, in the last 6-7 months I have had startling gains (flaccid is extremely variable, but I’ve seen up to 1.5 cm), but also have measured EL 1/4” (.6+ cm) longer, several times. I’ve been doing the 3-Step Workout I explain on my site. While pushing for the magical numbers (20 cm/8”), I’m actually at times feeling a little weird how freaking long and thick my flaccid has become. I’m not complaining, but I must say it’s changed dramatically in the last year, and still takes some getting used to when I see it in the mirror.

For me, the “locker room” gains were more important, because I had no problems with sexual partners (this decades before the current era of ubiquitous porn). I wanted to look good naked, but once things got hot, dimensions dwindled in importance. Had it been an issue then, I might have discovered earlier that I’ve got a pretty awesome tongue as well :D


Originally Posted by Yoshi44
I’m always bad at interpreting stuff so…

1. Do you kegel in, do the pinch pull movement then release the kegel?
2. When I try the pinch pull movement I’m sliding up the shaft. Am I supposed to actually be pinching an area then pulling without sliding up the shaft at all/much?
3. I see you on your site you say you can do this with an erection but do you like to do them mostly flaccid?


3. Erection/flaccid: at 59 years of age, I get semi-erect at most, but have determined/decided that these exercises are safe—at least much safer than standard jelging instructions—for younger, hardon-prone bucks as well.

2. I don’t understand your question. First, let’s eliminate “up” and “down:” you are pulling OUT. When you say pinch-pull, I think you refer to earlier instruction I gave. I now differentiate. Perhaps it would help if you review the current instructions on my site and restate the question if you need to.

3. Damn these prepositions! What do you mean by Kegeling “in?” I am not real clear on the Kegeling in my instructions, because I don’t know if specifics matter. With the 3-Step Penis Workout I hold the Kegel only on the shaft pull. Repeat: I don’t know if specifics matter!

Hey Tom, been doing the 3 step for a week now. I am getting better at it. One question, when I do the inner penis pull 90% of the time my penis wants ‘turn over’ as I move forward. My thumb and fingers move from the sides to the top and bottom, am I squeezing too hard?

Originally Posted by kenshomi

Hey Tom, been doing the 3 step for a week now. I am getting better at it. One question, when I do the inner penis pull 90% of the time my penis wants ‘turn over’ as I move forward. My thumb and fingers move from the sides to the top and bottom, am I squeezing too hard?

In my experience, that’s normal and hard to avoid.


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