Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Tom Hubbard’s ONE THING newbie challenge

How about rest days ?

Originally Posted by memento
so it would seem a portion of this gain is recovery of lost length

As I indicated elsewhere, that appears to be the case. I’d forgotten all about what I posted in 2010.

Originally Posted by kallea

How about rest days ?

I’m no expert on rest days. I do them when I feel a need, or don’t feel motivated.

Here are the images of the Inner Pull, Shaft Pull, and Head Pull, showing the area affected. The light blue in the third does not mean that area is in contact with your hand, but it is being worked. You can feel that. The Pinch Pull that started this thread is Step 2, the Shaft Pull.

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Originally Posted by Tom Hubbard
I’m no expert on rest days. I do them when I feel a need, or don’t feel motivated.

Yes, that’s what I do too.. going by feel!

Starting size: 7.48" X 5.51" Currently: 10.1" X 6.4"

Heat is the key!

I agree on the rest days. I am recovering after an intense 1 hour water and no-water session. My whole unit including the inner penis are sore in a good way, much like when you get a good pump at the gym. I will go back to my exercises when I start getting more frequent erections.

PE'ing since 11/1/13. It's never too late to begin!



Tom , I want to thank you for the pinch-pull jelq .

It’s so easy to do .

When ever I get a chance to pull him out , I use them .

Never did too much jelqing before , but I do now .

dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

Originally Posted by dookie9
Tom , I want to thank you for the pinch-pull jelq .
It’s so easy to do .
When ever I get a chance to pull him out , I use them .
Never did too much jelqing before , but I do now .
dooks out !!!

:-) Yes, my schlong loves and reacts great to this exercise. And I do them whenever I get a chance too. It both feels great… and well!. Why masturbate when you can pinch-pull jelq..

Starting size: 7.48" X 5.51" Currently: 10.1" X 6.4"

Heat is the key!

Very interesting technique Tom.. I will also start doing this one today.. Hopefully I will be able to do it right.

Thanks for posting the new link.. Had to read a lot of posts to get to it =)

Good job on coming up with this 3-step workout Tom, thank you and keep it up. The world of penis magicians need people like you.

Playing with your unit takes time.. And time is money.. You shouldn't touch what you can't afford :>

Originally Posted by dookie9
Tom , I want to thank you for the pinch-pull jelq .
It’s so easy to do…Never did too much jelqing before , but I do now .

You’re most welcome, and thanks for the feedback.

Originally Posted by mr.lover
Why masturbate when you can pinch-pull jelq.

Very interesting comment. I find the exercise very pleasurable, but not necessarily sexually stimulating…unlike “traditional” jelq. Hadn’t occurred to me to express it that way :D

Originally Posted by forgetmenot
Hopefully I will be able to do it right.

Clues that you're doing it right:
1. Your dick feels awesome.
2. Your dick looks awesome.
3. Your dick is bigger afterward.
4. EQ same or better in the long run.

This 3- step workout is great!
It’s a month now since i started with this exercise.

I like the combo that you hold the stretch under glans and at the same time with the other hand doin this pinch- jelq stretch, starting with the inner penis then working your way up.. slap It agains your leg then swith with the opposite hand holding the stretch and repeat the pinch jelq with the free hand..

When ever I get a chance to pull him out , I use them .. like dookie9 said :-)

Starting size: 7.48" X 5.51" Currently: 10.1" X 6.4"

Heat is the key!

Hi Tom, thanks for this technique. I have small starting stats where I find it too difficult to jelq, but when I saw your routine and tried it, I have immediately incorporated this greatly into my workout. I am due to measure at the end of this month and I hope everyone is there to celebrate with me :)

Originally Posted by brownstyle
Hi Tom, thanks for this technique. I have small starting stats where I find it too difficult to jelq, but when I saw your routine and tried it, I have immediately incorporated this greatly into my workout. I am due to measure at the end of this month and I hope everyone is there to celebrate with me :)

Good luck man! Keep us posted :)

Originally Posted by brownstyle

Hi Tom, thanks for this technique. I have small starting stats where I find it too difficult to jelq, but when I saw your routine and tried it, I have immediately incorporated this greatly into my workout. I am due to measure at the end of this month and I hope everyone is there to celebrate with me :)

You’re welcome. I will be ;-)

Hey Tom,

What happened to your profile and website?


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