Took a break and gained
So about 30 days In I added a IR lamp to my newbie routine. I was doing 2 days on 1 day off.
Routine would look something like.
10 min warm up
10 min stretching
18 min wet jelq
10 min warm down
I then switched to dry jelqs (I feel more blood moving with these tbh) at no more than 10-12 minutes per PE workout and gained 0.5 cm after measuring for a month. I got very sick by day 44 with IBD and took about 6 weeks off PE and the gym. Went back to PE and measured after a week of my previous workout and gained a total of 1.5 cm since starting PE consistently (I had dabbled in it before but no more than a week before quitting, this time I promised myself a 6 months of commitment before I made a decision). I guess my question is. Does it make sense I gained that much on a break? I’m pumped up seeing these results so far!